Gift:【12アバター対応】☃️~SALE中 Winter_Glow☃️ -
(GIFTS) Some Shinano assetsI havent checked if these were posted on other threads.
https://workupload.com/archive/sFZV834uxh (link to assets)
assets vvv
neko paw glasses -
Gift - Neat - Punk Rebel / パンク・レベル (fullset) -
Gifts: Today Halloween and 7yearsFOR SHINANO
Gift: Airi Pastel Colors -
LF: Relaxed long T-shirt for manuka@memo https://workupload.com/archive/uuLGbjbWMh sorry for the wait (FULLSET)
GIFT: Wooly Winter (FULLSET) -
LF: Low Ribbon Twintail (Manuka/Moe/Sio) (FOUND) -
LF : 【PB】Boyfriend's Hoodle【12 Avatars】(found AIRI & Shinano by stingraey) -
Gift - Neat - Punk Rebel / パンク・レベル (fullset)@sss190 heres shinano https://workupload.com/file/6XnjVwAeyv7
LF Moe hairs -
LF For Airi (Or Shinano)- (AIRI ONLY) https://workupload.com/file/bk5CnJ63E25
Gift Interactive Fingers インタラクティブな指 ♡Thank you bunches
LF: Neat - Punk Rebel / パンク・レベル FOUNDalso if anyone knows the black hair please let me know
GIFT: URUURU BLINK [Blinking Eyes] "Animation Set" AIRI ONLY -
LF: [6アバター対応] Wooly Winter for Velle -
LF: Original 3D model "Nana the dog" Nanano -
LF : 【PB】Boyfriend's Hoodle【12 Avatars】(found AIRI & Shinano by stingraey)https://workupload.com/archive/jBbmybfA8G SHINANO ONLY
LF: 『Hair+Makeup- Pastel Color's』-『愛莉』-Airi-『16 Color's 』(BOUGHT)@pinkcookie2777 I bought it, I'll post it soon
LF: 肌の質感 Natural Skin Texture Selestia and or Manuka!! please!!https://workupload.com/archive/5vv7t8WFGd SELESTIA ONLY