LF: Superior fox Avatar -
LF: Toriel Avatar - KinngHyenaBump
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF Shark Toy -- Inflatable VRChat Avatar by Ceejay -
LF: Toriel Avatar - KinngHyenaBump
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF: Superior fox AvatarBump
Dommy Dragon by WolkeFrom a different thread
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsI noticed we're over 200 bumps
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF: Toriel Avatar - KinngHyenaBump
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF: Chubdog (Vrchat Dog and Canine Base) by Whisk3rsBump
LF: "Dommy Dragon"Bump
LF: "Dommy Dragon"Bump
LF: "Big Horse Bug for VR and Blender ^w^"@ClaptasticFrag What about the NSFW toggle because that seems to break when switching it to standard lite
LF: "Big Horse Bug for VR and Blender ^w^"Is this even possible to convert to quest?