@BeepingSound i mean i support artists when i can. i usually "try before i buy" but rn i'm p strapped for money. otherwise i might be posting more shit here lol

Renou femboy outfit -
Looking for the VRSL GI addonbumpy dumpy
Searching For Renou - Fox VRChat Avatar Base@zeta.zaza bump for update
if you don't mind -
Renou femboy outfitanyone has a compatible Renou version? or am i doing something wrong? chest fluff clips though the croptop
Renou femboy outfithell yeah, thanks!
LF: Pulex Sticker Base Packs@xyriii I add what I get/get from friends/find.
Added a bunch then when i said i would. we started out with foxpack and foxpack2 and now there should be wolf, fennec, some sort of cat etc. -
Milking Machine by Conrad the Wolfblomp
Searching For Renou - Fox VRChat Avatar Basebumpy dumpy
LF: Pulex Sticker Base Packs@tabashilove adding more to the IA share. pls be patient, IA isn't the fastest. please check back in like a few hours at most :3
LF: Pulex Sticker Base Packshttps://archive.org/download/furry_art_bases/Stickers/Pulex/
ignore the weird embed, IA embed of subfolders is weird -
Renou femboy outfitbumpy dumpy
LF Pando V3bumpy dumpy
Milking Machine by Conrad the Wolfbumpy dumpy
LF: SDS Felkin Dickbumpy dumpy
LF: Winterpaw's Mini Canine assets@cookiemonster655 much luvs back
LF: SDS Felkin Dickbump
LF: Winterpaw's Mini Canine assetsplease let me know if it goes down, i'm also putting it up on IA :3
LF The Titillating Tickling Tongue!here ya go :3
let me know if it goes down, putting it on IA too -
LF: Female Canine by Nayomibump
[LF] SunDown by Wispybump