@lord014 Nope, that's exactly the issue. I sort of had her rigged, but her clothes, hair and accessories got strung along with her limbs. Sadly, I only have the sitting model which I shared.
Looking for Seismic's Wolf Girl Liru model, or anything that even comes close to that quality -
Looking for Seismic's Wolf Girl Liru model, or anything that even comes close to that qualityDamn, thanks for going out of your way to reference all this, eiron. I guess I should get cracking, then.
Looking for Seismic's Wolf Girl Liru model, or anything that even comes close to that quality@eiron Can't use KoiKatsu because its too heavy of a program storage wise. I mean I could, but that'd require me to buy an external storage drive, download the entire thing, learn how to use it and collect models from the ground up in the form of cards... It's just too much of a hassle, I'd say.
Looking for Seismic's Wolf Girl Liru model, or anything that even comes close to that qualityFound the ripped .fbx but re-rigging it is a pain. So close, yet so far. If anyone wants to give it an honest shot, I wish you the best of luck
Looking for Seismic's Wolf Girl Liru model, or anything that even comes close to that qualitybumpy dumpy
Looking for Seismic's Wolf Girl Liru model, or anything that even comes close to that qualitybump
Looking for Seismic's Wolf Girl Liru model, or anything that even comes close to that qualityI tried scouring the net for it (for MMD purposes), downloaded the game in the hopes that I could rip it from the files (but sadly, it's all prerecorded footage), and now I'm here.
The Liru models that do exist out in the wild are... not up to standard, at least when compared to Seismic's rendition. There were some talks about someone making their own version of his model, but the trail ran cold.
I'm pretty close to giving up myself, but I'm curious if anyone has one that's actually good.
LF: MitsuboshiL's Models@eiron I assumed as much. Shame too, that guy made banger videos. Wonder what happened to make him stop...
LF: MitsuboshiL's ModelsThey suddenly stopped making vids so I was wondering if any of his KonoSuba models were ever shared anywhere and if anyone has them.
LF: Irybelda Belfond アイリベルダ・ベルフォンド by Inwerwm@eiron Thank you!!!
LF: Irybelda Belfond アイリベルダ・ベルフォンド by InwerwmThe original base model works too
LF: Irybelda Belfond アイリベルダ・ベルフォンド by InwerwmIf anyone has the model used in this video, I'd be very happy if you could share!