Huge bump, this model is awesome looking
LF : オリジナル3Dモデル【マールティア‐Marta‐】 -
LF: Models by Luce_desetbumping for some of these, they are really good looking models
LF: [Bat Avatar] LitunyaBumpy
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyabump this batto
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyabump the ol batto
LF: "Sepia", "Kura", "Clio", and "Delfy" [1/4]Bumping for the Sepia model
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyabump
Lf: Anyone that can convert this Octoling blender model into a vrc avialright, i did some messing around in blender myself and GOOD GOLY
this model is an over complex mess, from what i've been able to figure out, the only way to make this a vrchat avatar, would be to redo all the bones in a way vrchat can understand, because current
the neck is not a child bone of the head
the spine bone is everywhere and named extreamely weirdly
there's a pointless wgts rig on the model which needs to be removed
and generally it's a messhowever i do not use blender so maybe someone more skilled in blender can figure it out
Lf: Anyone that can convert this Octoling blender model into a vrc avibump this, would be awesome cause there's not enough spaltoon models for vrchat
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyatoaster strudles
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyahere's another bump attempt
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyagonn bump the batto
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyabumpo
LF: [Bat Avatar] Litunyabump
LF: [Bat Avatar] LitunyaI absolutely adore this model and was hoping someone had it.
【蝙蝠アバター】リトゥーニャ - udon-cat-works - BOOTH
※PhysicsBone対応済み 蝙蝠モチーフのVRchat想定アバターです。 足まで繋がった大きな飛膜が他のアバターで滅多に見ない大きな特徴となっています。 服込みのポリゴン数:42,095 素体のポリゴン数:26,629 マテリアル数:9 再販・再配布しなければ基本的に使用方法は自由ですが、購入前にしっかり確認したい場合は「利用規約のみ」を先にダウンロードお願いします。
please and thank you
LF: Original 3d model Unryu-UNRYUvery much appricated!
LF: Original Assassin Armor [3D Model] オリジナルアサシンアーマー【3Dモデル】Gonna bump this
LF: Slime Girl, Lake Sheep Meemel (湖羊のメエメル)wow this is old, and still not found
LF: Original 3d model Unryu-UNRYUbeep
LF: Monster Girl Encyclopedia Avatars (14/19 Found!) ✔let's hope this gets updated, the malefdragon looks really cool