@cookiemonster655 Make sure you clear blueprint id, and when that usually happens for me I just close unity fully and re open the project and it seems to fix it. dk how it fully works
Felix Feline Furry Vrchat by foxipaws -
✔ (FOUND by Shadowkurou) Felix (Feline Furry) by FoxiPaws@cookiemonster655 https://www.mediafire.com/file/0f6yqqbykuaatl9/Felix_Feline_Extra_Textures.zip/file
It only contains extras from when I first uploaded the link, no new extras are added. -
LF: PsiCorpVR - Dragon Penis [not found]@Jikk-Main You are amazing, apricate it. I have been looking for this since July of 24.
LF: PsiCorpVR - Dragon Penis [not found]bump
LF: PsiCorpVR - Dragon Penis [not found]bump
Looking for this aviI am trying to find this avi, I only have a few pictures of it and iv been looking for a few weeks now with no luck.
LF: Alice by FoxipawsUpdated the link to contain more extras
LF: Alice by Foxipaws@CookiesNCreme That texture set has not be finished yet, only the texture for the good ranked exercise ball has been put in there, the rest of that has not been uploaded. And its like I said in the original post I made once I get some more of the extras ill update the link to include them, just waiting for some more of the foxi extras to get dropped before I finish that all.
LF: Alice by Foxipawshttps://www.mediafire.com/file/xe3ef6gvvpaglbq/Alice+Foxipaws+1.01,+Substance+Files,+Discord+Extras,+Facetracking.zip/file
This contains the 1.01 version of the avi, the face tracking version, substance painter files, and the "current" released extras, I will update the link when some more stuff gets added, and some of the extras are completed from foxipaws. -
LF: Pepper by Foxipaws@looloo3 The video in that folder explains how to do that, it's the "29d85a1f0f0a345b1cd0df2b74b963df.mp4" video. The video provided was the video that was given in the discord.
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60Bump
LF: Pepper by FoxipawsLike always I got you guys covered with everything.
Here is a link for the 1.2 base version, the 1.3 FT version, The Substance Painter files, as well as all the current Discord extras, and the needed shaders.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/m2znuzk058j8reu/Pepper.zip/file -
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump
LF: Bella The Bunny - Avatar by SpadeWolf60bump