@IWantToStayAnon here goes poppy and izzy bought by me https://www.mediafire.com/folder/qhzo172i2m5he/poppy+and+izzy
LF: Nessy! assets (35/50) -
LF: Cringecord assets (25/49)https://www.mediafire.com/folder/zb1qearh5e2x0/underground+cringelord UNDERGROUND CRINGELORD FROM ME
LF: Cringecord assets (25/49)https://www.mediafire.com/folder/apddtzirmjbu0/Center+of+attention CENTER OF ATTENTION FROM ME
LF: Nessy! assets (35/50) -
LF: Cringecord assets (25/49)@dead-soul it sure is one way to give your brand meaning lol heres the files ENJOY
LF: Cringecord assets (25/49)@dead-soul all good heheh . can you add this one and I'll put the files up? https://cringy.store/b/JrMn4 I really dont like her if u can tell
LF: Cringecord assets (25/49)@dead-soul chat gpt worked overtime that day in the legal department