@bongripper probably just jangy rigging for loco not the model

LF: Moxxie VRC port by Valorlynz -
LF: Moxxie By valorlynz -
LF: Moxxie VRC port by Valorlynz -
LF: Moxxie VRC port by ValorlynzBump yeah ive been dying for this model to be an avatar ever since i saw it and now its an avatar i want it BAD
LF Stella The Gothic Bnnuy~! FILES NSFWBUMP
bump bump -
LF Stella The Gothic Bnnuy~! FILES NSFW -
LF Femboy Karelia Files NSFW -
LF Femboy Karelia Files NSFWIve been dying for this avatar and everytime i find a NSFW ver of it it gets deleted so i want the files so i can upload it myself