@Spookyz Well they are blender and we need them to be unity files so we just need someone to either rig them for unity or just convert them depending how much is needed.

LF: This 2n1 blender model ofFuntime Foxy and Lolbit -
Looking for..I have seen this character in gmod workshop and used it as Player Model and even seen it in vrchat, i have no clue where it comes from sadly. I recommend if you can, go search it on the steam gmod workshop you are gonna find it if you just search police model or sum. They usually say in the description where the model is from or in the discussions. The last resort would be asking in the comments or just scrolling throught them people there are usually helpfull and fast! Good luck on your search
[Original 3D Model] Z3 Robot Zhu Yuan Avatar for VRChatVery adorbz bump!
LF: This 2n1 blender model ofFuntime Foxy and LolbitHopefull Bump
looking for Cryptia Stylized Loona rougue textures by pumpkin@Katstix Thats the full avatar. Its loona with the textures already on AND the bat wings from the pictures you wouldnt normally get with the textures from the author.
looking for Cryptia Stylized Loona rougue textures by pumpkinPassword is Rouge
looking for Cryptia Stylized Loona rougue textures by pumpkinThere you go pookies https://workupload.com/file/hWfYRnfn7dV
looking for avi name and or files@anasui Maybe you should stop replying and go outside mate
not on planning continuing this pointless convo with you.
looking for avi name and or files@LeonKennedy Someone asked for avatar. I gave link it didnt work. Person said it doesnt work and started lecturing me about how easy it is to make another google account when i dont fucking have the file. I dont know if you willingy choose to ignore that. Throwing tantrum over gmail is....not even close to what happened i legit asked if someone has them so they could be reuploaded right after becouse i dont have them.
looking for avi name and or files@Anne_Wiz Cause i dont know how to respond to pure stupidity.
looking for avi name and or filesIf you say so.
looking for avi name and or files@anasui I said its not my problem, Iam not gonna make all the effort of making extra google account for this i dont know what you dont understand about it (Also...no i indeed never downloaded them cause i dont like this version of cryptias sona). Next time dont assume also i involved myself in this becouse i realized i had the links for them from person who send be bunch of links to random avatars, I couldve just ignored this random guy and be dick but instead i chose to help and this is what i get? Thanks a lot
you really keep reminding me why i dont help people anymore keep it coming
looking for avi name and or files@anasui How would i even do it when i never downloaded the models in the first place? I just had the link to the discord download saved in conv i had with someone .-. Also...iam not gonna waste MY personal drive space for model i dont care about. I just realized this response looks very "mean" sorry i dont like people dont take it as personal attack
Found by: SecretJuws Obsidian by Reivene3DAlways happy to help fellow Reivene3d enjoyers
Found by: SecretJuws Obsidian by Reivene3DSorry for the delay i wanted to upload the file here a WHILE ago but i just didnt have time https://www.mediafire.com/file/8luluc16lhdgjyb/Obsidian_PC.unitypackage/file Enjoy this is only the pc version but its basic easy to make it quest too. Upvotes and positive karma would be appreciated :3
looking for avi name and or filesHad the links for a long time not the owner of them. Sorry but yall just took too long if someone downloaded them please reupload them.
LF: the twins VRCHAT avatar@Diving Could ya reupload it please?