also thank you @ANC
LF : 【SALE中♥5アバター対応】 ♥PISCES♥ 【VRChat向け衣装モデル】 -
LF : 【SALE中♥5アバター対応】 ♥PISCES♥ 【VRChat向け衣装モデル】does anyone know what hairstyle they used in the icon?
What is this booth outfit?@nabibab ooh okay, tysm
What is this booth outfit?
curious what this outfit is and where can i find it on booth -
LF Maya, Selestia, and Rusk clothes and other hair/accessories ✔@elsalisa thank you, full set is there found by Damnation^^
LF Maya, Selestia, and Rusk clothes and other hair/accessories ✔bump for drop dead selestia !
Headphones that can be found on Yugi Miyo, Karin and Kiyoko | Found by rosebiass ✔VRCアバター向け Sci-fiなヘッドギア - オーク製材所 - BOOTH
VRChatアバター向けのヘッドギアモデルです ホログラム部分の表示非表示を切り替えられます ModularAvatarに対応しました ※サムネイルに使用した竜胆モデルは付属しません 内容物 ・FBXモデル ・テクスチャ ・アニメーションファイル 禁止事項 ・作者を偽ること ・転売すること ・政治、宗教、または公序良俗に反する利用
LF: these outfits (2/3 found by Ripna_Rabbit (no prefab))Usagi lingerie can be found hereうさぎらんじぇりー-selestia?_=1684285676806 -
LF> Selestia Babydoll Dress and Hopping StellaHi! I'm looking for these two outfits for Selestia if anyone is willing to share ️
What Selestia outfit is this?@koko_koala thank you!
What Selestia outfit is this?
Does anyone know what outfit this Selestia is wearing? I only need the booth link^^
I know there isn't much to go off but it's the only picture I could find -
Looking for Selestia clothes
Found by slimygoomy! -
Looking for Selestia clothesbump for selestia
LF: SELESTIA outfitDoes anyone have and is willing to share the Moe or Selestia version for this outfit?
Sorry I don't have much to offer in return ️