![Roflgator Roflgator](/assets/uploads/profile/uid-14321/14321-profileavatar-1697209218477.png)
🎃Gift Campaign🎃 16 avatars available ♥ PhantomCutiePirates ♥ ~Phantom Cute Pirates~https://booth.pm/en/items/6150421 #Booth -
ふわふわたれみみ (Fluffy Ears)bump
クオーターツインテールVer.1.02 https://mikanhouse.booth.pm/items/4799589kkkk9iiik
LF: 【7アバター対応】孽【ギミック付き衣装】FullsetUr god
LF: PoLKA: Portable Light Kit for Avatarseeee
クオーターツインテールVer.1.02 https://mikanhouse.booth.pm/items/4799589クオーターツインテールVer.1.02 - みかんずめいど - BOOTH
こちらは髪型のみの販売となっており、アバターは付属していません 💎ロング・ミディアム・三つ編み・ロールの4種セットになっております ◆更新 2024.0331 マヌカに対応 2023.0526 森羅・舞夜に対応(FBX上書き非推薦✘) ■よくある質問 Q&A https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mStAxmU1DmD7X-T_sOopgAkN06FhriKY/view?usp=drive_link
[16モデル対応]衣装モデル『ガーゼビキニ&レインコート』 https://snowlight0102.booth.pm/items/4101877[16モデル対応]衣装モデル『ガーゼビキニ&レインコート』 - Store*Snowlight - BOOTH
本製品は、以下の各種モデル向けに最適化された衣装モデルです。 お求めの対象モデルをお間違えになりませんようご注意ください。 それぞれの素体は付属していません。 --------- 導入には以下のどちらかのスクリプトを導入します。 ◯Modular Avatar https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja 〇AvatarTools | 黒鳥ケモノ工房 https://booth.pm/ja/items/1564788 ---------- ○Store*Snowlight 衣装着せ替え手順書
LF: PoLKA: Portable Light Kit for AvatarsBump
LF: Mumei and Gura avatar by The3nderGameRlife changing
LF: 【7アバター対応】孽【ギミック付き衣装】Fullsetbumppp
LF: 【7アバター対応】孽【ギミック付き衣装】Fullsetoof
LF: 【7アバター対応】孽【ギミック付き衣装】FullsetAAAAAAAAAAAAA
VHS Camera Pointless@MagicCorrupt Tot is that you
VHS Camera PointlessBump
VHS Camera PointlessVHS Camera [VRChat]
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leave a rating on this product! Helps my product get recommended more! Want to test it out before you buy it? You can try out my Public Asset Test Avatar in my Avatar world! Click Me! Greatly paired with my Mobile Studio asset! (Includes a 50% off coupon!)Toggle, place your camera inside, and easily get a retro VHS effect in all your pictures and recordings!Enable a flashlight, zoom in, or even place anywhere!Flip it around for selfie mode!• VHS Camera Prefab• VHS Camera Sounds• VHS Camera Model• VHS Camera Materials• VHS Camera Animations & Controller• VHS Camera Screen Shader Effects• VHS Camera Flashlight• VHS Camera Zoom Function• VHS Camera World Drop Mode• VHS Camera Flip Selfie Mode • Poiyomi Toon shader version 8.1.166 or newer• VRCFury • This product was intended to be used in VRChat with SDK3• My avatar used in showcase images: Rex / Rexouium • VHS Screen shader effects by Nebula Animations• Sony CCD TRV 228e Handycam Camcorder by hdmi.server is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Though I heavily modified the model to lower polygon count from 64.1k vertices to 8k and i remade its textures.• Everything else done by me ^w^ • Public avatars: Allowed• Commissioned avatars: Allowed(if both people own the asset)• No Commercial license. You can NOT include my assets in your Unity packages • By purchasing this, you agree to NOT to share the files with anyone that has NOT bought the assetThis product is a collaboration with: Website | Gumroad | Twitter Pointless Creations 🌹Making quality assets for a cheaper price! Want to leave a tip? You can here on my Gumroad Tip Jar! ❤️ Click me!Want to become an affiliate and earn a cut from sales you get me? Click Me!Alternative Store page: https://jinxxy.com/POINTLESSMain Discord: pointless.blendAsset Support/Questions Discord, Friend Request: pointless.supportVRC Group: PNTLS.4137 I do take suggestions!Have a wonderful day! :3
Gumroad (pointlesscreations.gumroad.com)
LF: Mumei and Gura avatar by The3nderGameRWe should probs make a drive to organize all of this
LF: 【7アバター対応】孽【ギミック付き衣装】Fullsetbump
LF: [Wolferia] Assets from this editbum
FOUND: Stellar Splash Fullset or VelleBUMP
LF: Marinodev's Fighting System Prefab for VRChat Avatarsbump