@Unavailableacct thanks for the trade! +rep
Frost Attic -
Frost Attic@Unavailableacct Hello! I have it, I am interested on your Luminous Hotel world, but specifically the FullPack + VendingMachine version, send me a DM and we will arrange the trade! Thank you in advance
PD: Send me the worlds list you have as well please, it would be great for reference for future trades
LF: オリジナル3Dモデル 『Seraphina -セラフィナ-』bump
LF: PRISONER 囚人服 + Belt Boots ベルトブーツ MANUKA MOEbump
LF: PRISONER 囚人服 + Belt Boots ベルトブーツ MANUKA MOEbump for selestia too!
LF 【萌対応】ArcanaNocta【VRChat】bump
LF: 婦警さん!リメイク!(Police Outfit)bump
LF: 💫 ArcanaNocta 💫 for Moebump
LF: PRISONER 囚人服 + Belt Boots ベルトブーツ MANUKA MOEbump
LF: 婦警さん!リメイク!(Police Outfit)Looking specifically for Selestia version but others are welcome too!
[17モデル対応]衣装モデル『婦警さん!リメイク!』 - Store*Snowlight - BOOTH
本製品は、以下の各種モデル向けに最適化された衣装モデルです。 お求めの対象モデルをお間違えになりませんようご注意ください。 それぞれの素体は付属していません。 --------- 導入には以下のどちらかのスクリプトを導入します。 ◯Modular Avatar https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja 〇AvatarTools | 黒鳥ケモノ工房 https://booth.pm/ja/items/1564788 ---------- ○Store*Snowlight 衣装着せ替え手順書
LF: PRISONER 囚人服 + Belt Boots ベルトブーツ MANUKA MOEbump!
@teletela19 Could you please include SELESTIA in your post as well? I want it for her too!
(I was thinking of making another thread but I think its better if we modify it and bump this one instead)