@Lizzie_the_Elf no problem upvotes appreciated I'll see what more i can do later
LF: Uruki Asset Mega Thread! -
LF: Uruki Asset Mega Thread!Autumn shirt - https://workupload.com/file/jJtpm5zurdh
Lemon Drip - https://workupload.com/file/a7pySfasQrL -
LF: Uruki Asset Mega Thread!@Lizzie_the_Elf no problem a lil busy but I also bought these two that i will upload soon
[4アバター対応] Autumn shirt - INUKKO - BOOTH
暖かみのある色合いで仕上げたハイウエストシャツコーデです🍂 シーズンを問わず楽しめるお花柄デザインなどもあります🌼 --------------------------------------------------------- ウルキちゃん対応追加!! ウルキちゃんパックは3/4までセール価格です!! 900円 > 600円 --------------------------------------------------------- + 対応アバター + and ST(アンドエスティ)様 【VRC対応3Dアバター】一色 晴(いっしきひより)
「レモンドリップアウトフィット - 2」~Lemon Drip~ Outfit - 2 - Lemon Drip - BOOTH
All translations are done with ChatGPT Cute outfit with shorts and a letterman jacket with retro inspired headphones and Sony bean cassette player Currently only fit to Velle, Shinano and Selestia, set up with Modular avatar and lilToon shaders すべての翻訳はChatGPTで行いました
LF: Uruki Asset Mega Thread!@Lizzie_the_Elf Here's decolored
https://workupload.com/file/a6Djr3xxzku -
LF: Uruki Asset Mega Thread!Got Ya'll on the slumber Set
first time doing this so let me know if I missed something -
lf Quinn by D0main pls@avawoop It's broken for me ;;