@TokeiNeko I mean it's still nice of them to share the link lol

GIFT!! [VRChat] SleepingBag (you can put people in) -
LF Pur Slime by Bom39Heads up about the avatar, Bom39 didn't adjust the blendshapes properly so if you don't fix them in the body inspector, she will appear completely and entirely nude in game to people who don't have your avatar fully revealed.
You can find these blendshapes in slime_body
LF: 12,000 Lumen Flashlightbump, this is fucking hilarious
Lf: This Godzilla avatarBump but not sure if the creator is Zephala? I found a twt and the models on that account look a LOT different and far more wholesome than what is in this image lmao - could still be them but shrug
Edit: Yeah actually is probably them. Found a furaffinity post showing off this same image and it's from a deleted world called "Zeph's Thicc Avatar World" which links to the same acc. The twt might be a different person
heftybits 1.7 update penis asset.@bassboostedbit Why are you bumping when the link to 1.7 is literally right above your comment lmfao? https://workupload.com/file/tKJP4H25VYD
LF- AZTRA - Double Knot Cock!boink
[18+ Warning] (GS) Sin-thetic Strokeshaftboink
LF: Catalogue Mandela Avatar by Dotolie (Alternate Eden)@VoxTheSnake Yeah it just kinda does that. Just click either the stand or sitting button in the quick menu and she'll stand up straight, a lot of avatars with unique proportions do that so it's not that big of a deal imo lol
LF: All-In-One Collar by FormulaRatsbump!
GALILEO Insomnia Spinoboink!
LF: Rru - Weirdcore - PC/QUEST - Face Tracking - (SPS)boink
LF: Weird/Gross pp's!Also if you want some weird fuckin dicks I suggest looking up anything made by AZTRA, they got some WILD shit https://forum.ripper.store/post/600978
LF Weirdcore/dreamcore AvatarsWould love that eyeball angel one, bump :3
LF: Weird/Gross pp's!That first one is hefty bits https://workupload.com/file/tKJP4H25VYD
Not sure about the second horse one
That third and fourth are VR Demon, I don't have the files but there is a topic here https://forum.ripper.store/topic/26353/lf-vr-demon-by-jackiethedemon?_=1741206188068
Last canine one is from psicorpvr and is located here https://forum.ripper.store/post/591881 -
NSFW Edit of this Miss Circle Avi@Resu not your fault, you didn't make the model lmfao! I just think it's funny that the creator of this avi will nsfw-ify anything else but not the clearly suggestive and obvious softcore ava lmao
NSFW Edit of this Miss Circle Avithe fact its not nsfw despite looking like THAT,, brother wtf
lf: bunny setbump
Lf: Rosebunny Ears + Tail by FormulaRats and Rose Puppy Set by smolGreybump for bunny!
LF: Big Bunny Rabbit Earshttps://forum.ripper.store/post/547346 was posted here :3
[18+ Warning] (GS) Sin-thetic Strokeshaftdoink