LF > These bat wings (1/2 FOUND) -
Grus vein outfits (Found by llelouch) ✔ -
I need these, or information!Rib Spine Harness https://booth.pm/ja/items/4034482
Face Chain for Grus https://booth.pm/ja/items/4386940
鹿タウル jaket https://booth.pm/ja/items/4001137 -
NEW ver angel worker items/3641986bummmmp v.2 new version engel workerrrrrrrrr
【3Dmodel】天使リーマン【VRChat avatar】 - kaibatu2mm LAB - BOOTH
[3D model] Angel worker [VRChat avatar] PC版VRC想定オリジナル3Dモデルです。 以下の規約に同意してご利用ください。 ▲▲▲ 2024.04.12【 Ver2 大型UPDATE 】▲▲▲ ▲調整 翼・服・髪・素体・表情 全般 パフォーマンスランク : Midiam ▲追加 フェイシャルトラッキング用表情・色変え・着せ替えメニュー・ゆるシャツ・裸足 前髪バリエーション ETC ワールドにVer2サンプルの設置→
Trade list (Purchases) Grus SIKA kikiyo yoll etc ... -
1.1 UPDATE INCLUDED! Hell Worker (悪魔リーマン) because I love youohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love uuuuuuuuuuuuu
Trade list (Purchases) Grus SIKA kikiyo yoll etc ...Hi!
I am a VRC user who has purchased about 300,000 japanes yen(maybe 3000$) in BOOTH.
All of these are owned by me, so if anyone wants the most up-to-date version, please let me know.Please see the list for more details.
My dear neighbor Deepel for making this text.
LF: Accessories for Rindo@poyangsan
I'll send you the link, but only MEGA can use it, so if you don't mind, could you create a link here so others can DL it? -
LF > These bat wings (1/2 FOUND)The bags he is using were distributed when there was an EXTENSION event.
I have it because I am Japanese and attended that event, but does anyone want the bag?