If someone else wants to pay the $15 and me and 4 others pay $5 each, am fine with that also

LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC] -
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]That's $5 from 5 ppl and $15 from me, am trying to help out legitimately. I've been waiting just as long to get this avi as anyone bumping has.
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]@SKW-QV1 I'm serious, but okay.. am not paying $40 for an avatar, so am trying to split it so we don't have to wait anymore.
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]If 5 ppl can throw in $5, then I'll pay the the rest and buy it for everyone. I'm tired of waiting $PhloxPlushy
LF: Kiss by SushiQM (FOUND BY Dinanuts)bump
LF Ariabump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]Bump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bump
•Yumemi v2• By LevitellaBuuuummmppp
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bumpi
•Yumemi v2• By Levitellabump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bump
•Yumemi v2• By Levitellabump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bump
•Yumemi v2• By Levitellabump
LF: | Aimi & Kami | SPS / Physbones / Unity 2022bump
•Yumemi v2• By Levitellabump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bump
•Yumemi v2• By Levitellabump