Glass/Refraction Shader
This is a refraction/glass shader created with Amplify Shader Editor. The shader uses a better refraction model resulting in more realistic refraction compared to other shaders. This shader features 3 different refraction modes depending on your use case, the ability to blur the refraction, rain droplets, emission scrolling/fresnel, and iridescence. There are other smaller features included with the shader as well. There are also four example models included using the shader and showing off some of the different features the shader provides. Main Features List More accurate refraction method compared to other shaders Refraction does not move when rotating the camera at a fixed location More accurately calculates refraction resulting in entire image being magnified instead of just outer edges (this makes glasses look a lot nicer) Mixed mode which allows a reflection probe to fill in the gaps when the grabpass is trying to refract objects which are not visible on the screen 3 Refraction modes (Reflection Probes, GrabPass, Mixed) Reflection Probes (Uses reflection probes in world for refraction [Static]) GrabPass (Uses what you see on your screen for refrection [Realtime]) Mixed (Mixes both the reflection probe and grabpass mode for refraction fixing small artifacts caused from the grabpass [Realtime/Static]) IOR Control (Index Of Refraction) Depth Fix (Used for fixing artifacts from GrabPass & Mixed mode) Changing the refraction color from the albedo or a separate texture Smoothness/Clarity Offset (The ability to blur the refraction based upon the smoothness) GrabPass Blur Quality (Off, Low, Medium, High, PleaseNo) Chromatic Aberration (the color artifacting caused from refraction) Rain Droplets Option Advanced Emission (Emission scroll + fresnel) Masking the emission scroll by the fresnel Iridescence (changing the color based upon viewing angle, like bubbles or unique beetles) Fallback Cubemap Indirect Specular Highlights (adds specular highlights in worlds without real time lighting which can improve models visually making them appear more shiny) Includes Refraction Shader 4 Example Models Terms and Conditions Do not share this asset with others unless both parties have purchased the asset Do not share this asset publicly in anyway You may edit this asset in any way you like, however you cannot share the edited asset You may use this asset in other projects, however if those projects are made public this asset cannot be directly accessed by other parties By purchasing this asset you agree to these conditionsIf you have any questions, run into any issues, or have suggestions on features or things to change feel free to message me on Discord at Jayfeather#1399 or .jayfeather (either one should work)
Gumroad (