FOUND: Ashbeast by therpgslayer -
LF: This Raccooon Base by Moopdreabump
FOUND Pteryxis bird avatarbump
LF: Cyberpunk 2077 avatarsI have been looking high and low for cyberpunk 2077 rips that are put together into a unity project. In particular I have been hunting the trauma team assets as well as the Arasaka Ninjas, any luck or knowledge that can be shared?
LF Kroxigor by Vulgar VictorYeah that seems to be the case, I just suck at textures/UVs. Looks like I'll have to lear
n :") -
LF Kroxigor by Vulgar VictorDoes anyone have some different clothing options? I'm working on my own but some extras would be appreciated!