@LocalBozo It looks like there's a new version available. Could you upload the latest one when you get a chance?

FOUND (Lolita Milltina avatar) ミルティナ専用 ロリ化Prefab & 表情16種セット -
Looking for Rirabump
LF Gigi the Ghost おばけのギーギbump
LF :【VRChat】Flex FishEye Lensbump
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF: Updated Sage, Warrior, Archer (Archer and Warrior found by LexRidow2)@LexRidow2 Can you upload it again? link down
LF: ⬛⬜PolarisXDollyDoll -「Noir Academy」for Lapwing/Grus/Shinra - SALE EVENT NOW@MISA-MISA update?
Karin face tracking by EchoTheNeko ✔ (found)LAST UPDATED December 6, 2024
Bump for newest version
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
(FOUND): sameno - Holding gloves & removable gloves (VRChat avatar gimmick) - Milltina Update@Shousuke
2024/12/1 ルルネ/瑞希 対応版リリース2024/12/2 セレスティア 対応版リリース
can you upload update? -
LF: --> These KARIN Outfits! Found: [10/14]@Floralias re-upload?
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF: 九尾の傍観者 Face Tracking/MMD Settings@suzuran Can you upload an updated version?
[FT v1.1]/[MMD v1.2]
Fixed MMD prefab's error in FT version.
Fixed 9b3d_fur's "face", now it's "Face"
Fixed an issue where EyeSmall keyframes were not recorded in animations -
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump
LF:[19モデル対応]衣装モデル『バニースーツ:雪うさぎ』full set or lime versionbump