@KokuDoesShit oh damn!! thanks!! i'll check it out as soon i can!! What version of Mayu u used?
LF: This mayu hair -
LF:Octochi by Octo-Hedgiebump!
Lf FoxyBeast by Ex@Mochaaa thanks a lot!! Also wait.. she does have nsfw version?
Mayu Short Shortsbump
LF: Frost by Voidbump
Ultimate Sabrean 1.1 | PC ONLYImagine... they say that but still have the patreon up(name changed haha) and working on the avi... easy lie on peoples face. Dude should get Sqib some words ngl.
LF: Khajiit model and Snake Girl by Vulgar Victor@Andzhay people who knows can rig for vrchat and such
LF: VRChat Nutmegbump
Ultimate Sabrean 1.1 | PC ONLY@BrownieBatter48 that's wild man! Now you say all this totally don't care anymore... is crazy a simple detail makes sense. I'll pass the information forward about.
Ultimate Sabrean 1.1 | PC ONLY@BrownieBatter48 oh damn that's true!! I checked the gumroad page and asked some friends, the base Sabrean aren't allowed to resell BRUH!!!
Ultimate Sabrean 1.1 | PC ONLY@BrownieBatter48 been asking myself the same question, nothing else is ''ultimate'' on the avi despite have few clothes...
LF: Fox Moth Loona outfit, Band Shirt, and Pentagram harness; all for Fox Moth basebump
LF: Frost by Voidbump
Edit of Alice / Fantasy Alice@Smuuggs ooh! thank you thank you!! I'll take it right now too :3
Edit of Alice / Fantasy Alice@Smuuggs I hope the edit is there.
LF: Frost by Voidbump!
Coppouchi Avatar ✔ (found)@Murcy I know the feel! I want one too for my nanachi!
LF: Frost by Voidbump!
LF: Super Lambie (?)bump
LF NovaCatbump!