LF Shinano CyberRabbit -
LF: Officer Tomiya and Seth Lowell avatars by BreamVR@curiouseagle Ellen would be nice too if shes out by then
LF 『Neat.』 Gothic Owl / ゴシックなふくろう For Selestiabump for velle
LF >【17アバター対応】業【衣装】bump
LF: Officer Tomiya and Seth Lowell avatars by BreamVR@SoFreshSoClean this is so based, and bream doesn't mind too much! its a win win
LF: Officer Tomiya and Seth Lowell avatars by BreamVRbump
LF: [Manuka/Moe/Kikyo/Selestia] Today Halloweenbump for moe
LF:【11アバター対応】 🐇~SALE中 Serendipity : The Secret Rabbit🐇 [AIRI OR FULLSET]bump
[City Chic] - 桔梗 Kikyo, セレスティア Selestia, 萌 Moe, マヌカ Manukashinano bump x.x
LF:【11アバター対応】 🐇~SALE中 Serendipity : The Secret Rabbit🐇 [AIRI OR FULLSET]bump
LF : ::SALE:: [VRchat] SpadeBunny For Manuka,Selestia or Fullsetbump for shinano update
LF - Some Chiffon Outfits【7アバター対応】Off Shoulder - mousu9 - BOOTH
lilToon : https://lilxyzw.booth.pm/items/3087170 https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev ・ Off_shoulder : △ 10,050 ( Sio 対応 : △ 10,166 ) ・ Shorts : △ 6,623
【30%OFF】スプリングドレス【12体対応】 - Natelier -ナトリエ- - BOOTH
************* 2025年新春初売りセール 一部商品を30%OFF 単品 1,800円 → 1,260円 フル 5,000円 → 3,500円 2025年1月15日(水)AM12:00(正午) ************* VRChatでの使用を想定した春らしいフェミニンな衣装です。なお、画像のアバターは付属ではありませんのでご注意ください。 バッグは単品でも販売しています。重複購入にご注意ください。 https://natorie.booth.pm/items/5506712 【対応アバター・胸の仕様】 〇:シェイプキーとPhysBone対応
Thank you
LF: Yabuki Shuro (Blue Archive)here you go guys >~>
Also would take that offer @Mayushi eee!
FOUND : 【セール中💖】【8アバター対応】FlipFlop!bump
𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓 : 🎮等身コントローラー (Full Body Controller) [11 Avatars]textures package is broken
edit: For some reason they only work when i drag them from the zip right into my unity. I have no clue why this is happening
LF-【7アバター対応】White Lily Archive【VRChat想定】 -
Looking for the clothes and or textures on this moe.Possible hit on the clothes, Do correct me if im wrong: https://siiyu.booth.pm/items/4821922
Looking for the clothes and or textures on this moe.oh,,, and the hair too. my bad
Looking for the clothes and or textures on this moe. -
LF: Booth outfits for MayaAnyone happen to still have these backed up? I browsed though the link in Akais signature and everything seems to be gone.