@haai or just the unity package with everything already applied ;-; if that isnt to much to ask for
Shinra Sweet Elf! (Blendshape Settings) -
Shinra Sweet Elf! (Blendshape Settings)@haai yeah i mean the already applied one , im really not confident in doing it myself ( i have already tried but it was a huge fail ;-; nothing worked ) have you maybe tried doing this already and if so is it possible to teach me or guide mt trough it ?
Shinra Sweet Elf! (Blendshape Settings)if you already have these settings applied to a unity project , is it possible to gimme a download unity package thing ? this is a bit confusing ( newbie ) also is the elf ears made with messing with the blendshapes or a new base model ?
does anyone have this mashu Pumpkin suit ? thank you in advance <3 -
LF any clothes/assets for mashuif u find any pls @ me