LF: V2.3 Akalii and Kaimera (PC & Quest) by NIKKIEbump
LF Kaimera and Akalii by NIKKIEPNGbump
Gift- New Kaimera and Akalli@Rinny can you go on their discord server, get the id of some users, and friend them with an alt account that is not in their discord server and then ask them if they are willing to share their kaimera?
LF Kaimera Avatar - KAIMERA (PC & QUEST) / AKALII & KAIMERA (PC & QUEST)if you ask everyone on their discord maybe someone can donate it, unless nikkie finds you first
https://nikkiepng.com/products/akalii-kaimera?variant=43796300726521 -
LF: Updated Kaimerabump - it was not found yet
Gift- New Kaimera and Akalli@Rinny
please can you help with this post?
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/53489/kaimera-face-tracking-dlc-missing-file-from-ocian?_=1742414419077 -
LF Face Tracking DLC Or Face Tracking Models -
Kaimera Face Tracking DLC - missing file from Ocianif you own the Kaimera avatar and you send a file to @136628034156494848 on discord he will give you the missing face tracking part to make the face tracking at https://ocian.gumroad.com/l/hhcne actually work
the problem is that, the guy wants to prove if you own it, can someone message him and send him an fbx or something and give me the missing file please? otherwise face tracking doesn't work without his file.
to make the Kaimera Face Tracking DLC work you need that file from ocian on discord or it doesn't work, it's technically broken without.
LF Handgun by HoloEXEBUMP
vrcfury gunslooking for any paid or/and commercial vrcfury gun/rifle
LF: Guns [13/19 Found + few extra]@ReiRei they don't shoot, it's just 3d models, the 16th was just a 3d model, no vrcfury, no mechanics, how are you supposed to shoot with them?
LF: eye cat ears ♡.*boomp
LF: Stealth Armour - Novabeastbump