LF: 【 8アバター対応】100+Style Stockings 持続更新!!! -
LF: 【 8アバター対応】100+Style Stockings 持続更新!!!@Observation_Bot Milltina verson has been added, could you reup the full pack again?
LF:【7アバター対応】 !! SALE 中 !!✨Pix Cheer✨✅FOUND✅bump for updated shinano(or updated fullset)
LF : ✨Cuddle Heart✨ -
LF : ✨Cuddle Heart✨@HoldMyBeerFFS Shinano version has been added, could you check if the fullversion pack also got updated?
Morpho AssetsAssets for Morpho
here's what Ive got and still looking for another ones- PaisuraKnit
found here :
https://forum.ripper.store/post/218573- Nexus Plume
found here(included in the fullset) :
https://forum.ripper.store/post/215916- Butterfly Bikini
DL :
https://workupload.com/file/mCFvrUj7QZLp.s. first time uploading stuff, might not work properly, and this one has No shape keys
any other clothes for Morpho are welcomed
- Snowflake
found here(included in the fullset) :
https://forum.ripper.store/post/262340 - PaisuraKnit
LF 【6アバター対応】Re:GG【ギミック付き衣装】Bump Morpho or fullset
LF: Morpho OutfitsBump
LF 【6アバター対応】Re:GG【ギミック付き衣装】Bump for Morpho or full
LF: Izanagi (0/13)Bump for Morpho
LF: Morpho OutfitsBump
LF 【6アバター対応】Re:GG【ギミック付き衣装】Bump for Morpho
LF: Morpho OutfitsBump
LF: Morpho OutfitsBump
LF: Morpho OutfitsBump
LF: Morpho OutfitsBump