Looking for Merriam! -
LF: Rabbit hoodieうさぎパーカー「竜胆」「イヨ」「リーファ」「桔梗」 - BECKENZI - BOOTH
うさぎパーカー この商品はオリジナルの3Dモデル「竜胆」と「イヨ」です。 【VRC向けアバター】リーファ https://hyuuganatu.booth.pm/items/3659436 オリジナル3Dモデル「イヨ」1.04 https://booth.pm/en/items/2630437 オリジナル3Dモデル「竜胆」 https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/3443188 オリジナル3Dモデル「桔梗」 https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/3681787 必要: AvatarTools
LF: tsubakiUniform Hairbump
LF: tsubakiUniform Hairbump
LF: Machiko-sanオリジナル3Dモデル【街狐さん】 - みなかみや - BOOTH
オリジナル3Dモデル【街狐さん】 製作者 : みなかみれい 必ず「1.商品内容」「2.モデルの仕様について」「3.導入方法」「4.利用規約」「5.最後に」を最後までお読みいただき、ご了承の上でご購入をよろしくお願いします。 Please note that we cannot provide support in languages other than Japanese. アップデート内容 2020/12/25 ver1.1.0 修正→首周りのウェイト、Faceの法線調整、Faceのマテリアル調整。expressionのマスクのオンオフ。
LF: tsubakiUniform Hair【桔梗対応】tsubakiUniform髪+服+靴【M.】 - emudotto.clothes - BOOTH
椿学園の学生服です。カラバリCyan Black Whiteがあります 画像は本商品を着用した桔梗 (https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/3681787) 改変案です
LF: ImLeXz BaseImLeXz Base V2.2.1 [OFFICIAL]
Lexz Base V2 3D Body Asset [Unity / Blender]This new version of the base is pretty much completely redone from the previous one, being improved significantly.All images for this product are either taken from within blender or unity, none of these are screenshots from within any game.IF THIS ITEM WAS FOUND / PURCHASED FROM ANYWHERE ELSE THEN IT NOT THE OFFICIAL COPY-------------------------------------------------------Rules / ToSYou can NOT re-sell, re-distribute, or share this asset in any way (Discord Nitro Boosting, Asset Trading etc)You can NOT use this asset for anything illegal, or hatefulYou can NOT use the full base for public avatars in any VR social game or similar User Generated Content platformYou can NOT use the full base on free models (if you would like to use a cut-out version of the base for this then please DM me and we can work something out - this also applies for public models)You CAN use this base for models you are selling that are around similar price or greater to which was payed for this itemNo refunds (may make minor exceptions depending on specific circumstances)These rules are subject to change at any time.PLEASE DM ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY OF THESE RULES-------------------------------------------------------Contains:Unity package with all materials, dynamic bones, constraints etc all setup alreadyTights, Fishnets, and Thigh high meshes, fitted and weighted to baseBlend file with body, tights, fishnets and thigh highs, all with both quadralised and triangulated versions.This base has been made to work well in FBT for VR games and features wide use of constraints for twist / volume / support bones to help with rotations.Textures, materials etc are all included the unity package, as well as a readme text document with some important notes.(Dynamic Bones and Poiyomi Pro Shader NOT included as these are paid for assets)DISCLAIMER:This item was created as and only intended to be used strictly as a 3D resource for other artists to use however they may desire, Any misuse of this item is NOT my responsibility whether it goes against the rules listed here or not.The materials where setup with Poiyomi Pro shader, so whilst you can change these to the toon shader and get very similar results, some visual effects may not be the exact same - Example: The tights make use a Pro only feature "Hologram Alpha" that is not currently available in Poiyomi Toon as of version 7.1.60Poiyomi pro can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/poiyomi/posts-------------------------------------------------------Changelog V2.1Extended neckSculpted a little more detail onto bodyImproved hands (remade)Improved texturesSlightly adjusted breastsChangelog V2.2Improved rigging for full body tracking (only the leg length has slightly changed, however bone positions and general position of armature will be slightly different from previous versions)Mildly changed weights for body and feet (These two changes may require you to make slight edits to any clothing you have made for this base but just repositioning and some slight re-weighting should be good)Included some new / different materialsRedone unity animations and included some new onesSOME FEATURES ARE NOT LISTED ON THIS PAGE
Gumroad (imlexz.gumroad.com)
LF: Spider-Rindobump
LF: Spider-RindoSpider-Rindo
This is the Spiderman 2099 suit for Rindo!Dependancies:Rindo - Found herePoiyomi Pro 8.2 - Found hereInstallation Instructions:Create a new unity project with the avatar preset within the VRChat creator companion.Import Poiyomi Pro 8.2.Import the Spider-Rindo unity package.Within the files is an image named "alphamask". Place the image onto the Rindo body material within the alpha channel. This will make the body invisible so that it fits into the suit.Enjoy!Any issues or problems do not hestitate contact me through the Glitter Jar Discord serverYou are NOT allowed to resell my work as per Gumroad's TOS
Gumroad (roastedkhaos.gumroad.com)
LF unnamed【オリジナル3Dモデル】アンネームドちゃん - ぱんぱんクリームパイ - BOOTH
【オリジナル3Dモデル】アンネームドちゃん 制作:田中太郎 https://twitter.com/_Tanaka_Tar0u
LF: celest -
LF Glaze outfit「ぐれーず」用B系・ストリート系コスチュームセット - nyakomake - BOOTH
せう様制作のオリジナル3Dモデル「ぐれーず(Glaze)」 https://booth.pm/ja/items/2040115 専用のB系・ストリート系コスチュームです。 ブラトップ、アームカバー、カーゴパンツ、スニーカーのセットになります。 せう様に許可を頂き販売させていただいております。 商品画像は「ぐれーず(Glaze)」の改変例となります。「ぐれーず(Glaze)」は付属しません。
LF: MC Firework DispenserMC Firework Dispenser [VRChat]
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leave a rating on this product! Helps my product get recommended more! Want to test it out before you buy it?You can try out my Public Asset Test Avatar in my Avatar world! Click Me! Pull the lever back! ✨Randomly selected color, sounds, and effects! 💥• MC Firework Dispenser Prefab• MC Firework Dispenser Model• MC Firework Dispenser Materials• MC Firework Dispenser Icon and menu• MC Firework Dispenser Animations & Controller• MC Firework Dispenser World Constraint• MC Firework Dispenser Physical Lever Action• MC Firework Dispenser Randomized Firework Effects and Colors• MC Firework Dispenser Firework Effects • Poiyomi Toon shader version 8.1.166 or newer• VRCFury • This product was intended to be used in VRChat with SDK3• My avatar used in showcase images: Rex / Rexouium • Credits to Minecraft: https://www.minecraft.net/• Everything else done by me ^w^• This is fan made <3 • Public avatars: Allowed• Commissioned avatars: Allowed(if both people own the asset)• No Commercial license. You can NOT include my assets in your Unity packages • By purchasing this, you agree to NOT to share the files with anyone that has NOT bought the asset Pointless Creations 🌹Making quality assets for a cheaper price! Want to leave a tip? You can here on my Gumroad Tip Jar! ❤️ Click me!Want to become an affiliate and earn a cut from sales you get me? Click Me!Alternative Store page: https://jinxxy.com/POINTLESSMain Discord: pointless.blendAsset Support/Questions Discord, Friend Request: pointless.supportVRC Group: PNTLS.4137 I do take suggestions!Have a wonderful day! :3
Gumroad (pointlesscreations.gumroad.com)
LF: MC Dog FollowerMC Dog Follower [VRChat]
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leave a rating on this product! Helps my product get recommended more! Want to test it out before you buy it?You can try out my Public Asset Test Avatar in my Avatar world! Click Me! Follows you anywhere you go! Feed him Steak! 🥩• MC Dog Prefab• MC Dog Model• MC Dog Materials and Alt Materials• MC Dog Icons and menus• MC Dog Animations & Controller• MC Steak Model, Etc.• MC Dog Feed Effects• MC Dog Sounds• MC NameTag Shader and Editor Scripts Optional Name Tags! • Poiyomi Toon shader version 8.1.166 or newer• VRCFury • This product was intended to be used in VRChat with SDK3• My avatar used in showcase images: Rex / Rexouium • Credits to Minecraft: https://www.minecraft.net/• Follower Prefab by VRLabs• zCubed for making the Minecraft nameplate shader! [ Link to his Ko-fi ] - [ Link to his work ]• Everything else done by me ^w^• This is fan made <3 • Public avatars: Allowed• Commissioned avatars: Allowed(if both people own the asset)• No Commercial license. You can NOT include my assets in your Unity packages • By purchasing this, you agree to NOT to share the files with anyone that has NOT bought the asset Pointless Creations 🌹Making quality assets for a cheaper price! Want to leave a tip? You can here on my Gumroad Tip Jar! ❤️ Click me!Want to become an affiliate and earn a cut from sales you get me? Click Me!Alternative Store page: https://jinxxy.com/POINTLESSMain Discord: pointless.blendAsset Support/Questions Discord, Friend Request: pointless.supportVRC Group: PNTLS.4137 I do take suggestions!Have a wonderful day! :3
Gumroad (pointlesscreations.gumroad.com)
LF: |3Dモデル|3D Model| INHYEONG TYPE 2.5 Sofortiger|3Dモデル|3D Model| INHYEONG TYPE 2.5 Sofortiger - GRAYMORE+ - BOOTH
INHYEONG TYPE 2.5 release! Highly customizable tactical robot. Use this avatar for any occasion. Suitable for both military and social aesthetics. FBT ready. * Interactable rifle and sword. * Color hue dyes. * Body sliders. * Multiple gear combinations. * Multiple face types. * Multiple head
LF: Zome【3Dモデル】『ゾメちゃん ver.1.3』Avzomend - Yorshka Shop - BOOTH
VRChatや、VRM対応アプリでの使用を想定したオリジナルモデルです。ユーザーによるカスタマイズを想定し、衣服と体は別メッシュになっています。(髪、頭、ヘッドドレス、長袖、ロングスカート、ミニスカートが分割されています)以下に商品内容、モデル仕様、利用規約が記載されていますので、ご了承の上での購入をお願いします。 ※注意点 ・UnityやVRchatの操作方法に関する質問はサポート外となります。 ・ダウンロード商品は一度支払いを済ませてしまうとキャンセル不可になりますのでご注意ください。 ・同梱されているVRMモデルは長袖、ロングスカートバージョンになります。
and this outfits
https://booth.pm/ja/items/3595965 -
LF: |3Dモデル|3D Model| INHYEONG TYPE 2.5 Sofortigerlooking to see if anyone has her
|3Dモデル|3D Model| INHYEONG TYPE 2.5 Sofortiger - GRAYMORE+ - BOOTH
INHYEONG TYPE 2.5 release! Highly customizable tactical robot. Use this avatar for any occasion. Suitable for both military and social aesthetics. FBT ready. * Interactable rifle and sword. * Color hue dyes. * Body sliders. * Multiple gear combinations. * Multiple face types. * Multiple head