Outrage by PastelPlushies -
Outrage by PastelPlushiesbump for furry
LF: Raruh by Torinyan and Limebreaker (and other assets)which poi do i use?
LF Sinestra + FTi gave in i love fxv whether i take the model i end up buying it anyway lol the upload stuff is
VCC project
Install VRCFury to VCC Project
Import poi_Pro_7.3.50_UpTo_9.1.00+ (If you do not have Poiyomi Pro, please install Poiyomi Toon through the VCC)
Import Sinestra Package
LF Sinestra + FT+1 for kat ver
LF Sinestra + FTbump for cat ver+FT
LF Sinestra + FTbump for kat ver
LF Sinestra + FTbump for cat ver
LF: Celine by TheDullebump
LF: Celine [PC+Quest] Optimized By: TheDullebump
LF: Emile by JeadeVR (FOUND by meow019)https://mega.nz/file/dGc3WToS#5CfUAD_6LdAKwjKuO8Rv57uEqE0UghQnTSbYdJ3Tlvs
idk how this works but hopefully it does
emile by jeadevr -
LF: Emile by JeadeVR (FOUND by meow019)bump
LF Emile1+
LF: Emile by JeadeVR (FOUND by meow019)bump
LF Emilebump
LF SOFTLY GIRL OUTFIThttps://hoeyume.gumroad.com/l/hdegq?layout=discover&recommended_by=search&_gl=1bpscug_gaOTQwMjYzNzUuMTY2NjA1NTM1NA.._ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTY5Nzc4MjczOC45Mi4xLjE2OTc3ODY0OTYuMC4wLjA.
LF: Poiyomi_Pro_7.3.50_to_8.2.030LF: Poiyomi_Pro_7.3.50_to_8.2.030
LF: Sindragosa by fxvhttps://fxv.gumroad.com/l/4124dfq324 updated link for her.
LF: Sindragosa by fxv