@XD-phys-comic said in Grunt GF by OhDelight:
hank you!! I'll make a link soon with the zip for grunt GF and BF
could i by chance have it?
@XD-phys-comic said in Grunt GF by OhDelight:
hank you!! I'll make a link soon with the zip for grunt GF and BF
could i by chance have it?
vrcmods isnt a piracy site. its full of legitimately free things and usually centered around MEME avis and assets. just another thing.
iv seen some people saying hes a pedophile. is their any proof of this or is it just rumors?
@pinkcookie2777 you are aware that livid lily dosent evil use the base like that right? instead she uses the panda base and more recently the venus base but it was edited by skuny. she shes using an heavely edited venus base...
theres abit of a false fact there. while vrchive is shut down its not due to a dmca claim. in the server they explained the person who ran it was losing himself to the site and the site was taking a mental tole on him. the admins convinced him to let go of the site for his own sake.
just a warning the vrm version never updates so the quest version isnt included can someone include that
@kh4m4ri it keeps saying it detects a virus
does anyone have this base https://restinpasta.gumroad.com/l/pastabase?_gl=11xyzdqt_gaMTUyOTgxMDM5Ny4xNjkzODc5MzQ0_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTcwOTM2MzkxNy4xMTEuMS4xNzA5MzYzOTI5LjAuMC4w