LF VRChat - mikinel Shisha System 【VRC シーシャ -
LF FOR SHOES PLSboomp for rindo
LF: Neat - Floppy Hoodie - フロッピー・パーカーnump for rindo
LF :【墨惺(Bokusei)専用 】Makeup+Eyes+Tongue texture+Material[HD-PSD]https://booth.pm/en/items/5797454 please i need those eyes and makeup
Looking for this for Airi/Fullset (6112144)bump
LF: Ellie [PC/QUEST] by KornLooking for the files too, as they are not anymore on discord
LF: the new liindy quest update versionsBump for 2handed weapons
LF: オリジナル3Dモデル 『Seraphina -セラフィナ-』bump
LF: Any clothes for 狐雪(Koyuki)bump for any
LF: 【VRC想定衣装】シャッフル・アリスboomp
LF: Yuwaku by KasaiAisuBump + booth ID for better referencement
https://sleepnekouwu.booth.pm/items/6230703 -
[Archive] Sapphy's Assetsthx, i'll take a look at adding them on the doc
[Archive] Sapphy's AssetsHey, i'm looking for any Sapphy assets i can find, and going back and forth trough this forum and other sites, i noticed there's not that many going around....
In hope of finding more, i made this list, consider contributing if you have new assets to addCLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE GOOGLE SHEETS
i gave Commenter permission on this doc, if you feel like something is wrongly documented, or want to add something to this list, send a message in this thread or add a comment on the doc, i'll try to check them once in a while
and dont forget buying the assets you like once you have tried them, authors deserves it