@KagamineRin https://mega.nz/file/LChS2TxL#DsSRI-iALjH3hE5SMlHgJcVtH5p7U4guGz2CJpK4Eho
That link from OneDrive. This is a new link, shared for the first time, please forgive me if I am not familiar with it. Have fun XD
LF: Chocolat exclusive Lolita Prefab [ おちびちゃんズ Chocolat ⁺Sister"S" ] [2/2 FOUND] -
LF: Chocolat exclusive Lolita Prefab [ おちびちゃんズ Chocolat ⁺Sister"S" ] [2/2 FOUND]https://zhangdemei-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/kenatlas_edensakura_com/EdO4NExhpFdAmBsVfHQX42sB9jH0Ttgn4oj8BkWkWL3Dzw?e=1nWcKK
Chocolat exclusive Lolita Prefab & 16 facial expressions set [ショコラ専用 ロリ化Prefab & 表情16種セット]
This is the second one