we do be loving you though, thanks!
LF: These cool swords/rapier by Melting! -
✔FOUND✔ : Verity by Eternal MemoriesBUMPP
Sabrina Remastered (v2) by scorchede.c.h.obump
LF: REMI UPDATE v9.3.22 By CamLooking for remi by Cams, really good avatar that i don't think anyone has published the upto date version
https://camsaviis.gumroad.com/l/CamsRemi?layout=discover&recommended_by=search -
Looking for Remi (Diamond)Bump!
LF: E.C.H.O avatars Sabrina and Lyra!https://store.scorchedecho.com/l/lyrabyecho
Looking for these two! -
LF: These cool swords/rapier by Melting!Bump!
LF: [Full-Packaged]9mm Pit Keelback (Gun)Bumped
Sabrina Remastered (v2) by scorchede.c.h.obump!
LF: SPS/DPS Dildos or other toys!I've used a few of the Modular avatar gimmick prefabs or non modular you use av3.0 manager something to merge the animations. something where its near to drag and drop to setup for spawnable items would be very helpful!~
I need any props like that, dps would also work so i can use VRCFury for converting it! thanks guys :3 -
LF: Jasmine or Haley by TheDullebum bump bumpo :3
Looking for Bently by sam.it's a part of the group of avatars here, i specificly need the quest one! please and thank you.
https://samvr.gumroad.com/l/BlakeBentley -
LF: Stingray throwing knife and longbow system.I was about to call you a legend, but even your name says it already!
LF: Stingray throwing knife and longbow system.https://vrmodels.store/other/prefab/33567-explosive-dart.html
Found the explosive dart, but i cannot get it to work with the avatar im using. -
LF: Stingray throwing knife and longbow system.Hey does anyone happen to have these two props? they're pretty cool.
Or any work by the other creators would also be nice! thanks. :3
https://booth.pm/en/items/2148208【オリジナル3Dモデル】Stingray-スティングレイ-【投げナイフ】 - IRREGULARS STUDIO - BOOTH
※※※Unity2022で作成されています。2019にインポートした場合予期せぬ不具合が生じる恐れがあります。2019へのインポートはサポート対象外です。※※※ V3_0以降よりVRCConstraintを使用しています。SDKバージョンは3.7.0以降でご利用ください。 こちらはIRREGULARS STUDIOの商品【オリジナル3Dモデル】Stingray-スティングレイ-【投げナイフ】です。 VRChatでアバターに組み込む武器として使うことを想定された3Dモデル素材商品となります。