LF: Rattleyote by trentie -
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbump
LF: Kittybot by Moopdrea / Moopleafbuff feline machine
LF: Kobold VRChat Avatar by Myriaddbump
LF: Catnap and Dogday <3bump
LF: Kobold VRChat Avatar by MyriaddKobold VRChat Avatar
Kobold Avatar with armor for VRChat. IncludedKobold avatar and proprietary textureunity preset scene for the avatar for instant uploadsubstance painter and raw FBX files for ease of customizationFeatures:Full range visemes and expressionsFull body tracking compatible Avatar 3.0 ready50k poly base, 30k armor asset, 4k texturesBase avatar body all one piece, clean canvas for smooth customizationconvenient personal eye cleaning capabilities100% less forehead than other avatars :)39% more boopable surface areaFunctional broadsword with pre-set constraint toggleThin frame stature, quite stride and agile movementJOIN THE COMMUNITY!join the discord where you can ask for help in trouble shooting unity, blender, substance, or if you want to see what we are up too.https://discord.gg/jaHZ9FFB3sTOS:YOU CAN:Create public avatarsModify any of the files for personal use Perform commissions for the avatar (providing both parties have purchased the model)Remove the credits plane within the model (I would appreciate it be left in, but if the avatar is personalized with custom textures or models I can understand and agree with removing it)YOU CANNOT:Redistribute or resell any of the avatars assets (models or textures), regardless of modificationUse the avatar or any related assets to promote political, racial, sexist, hatful or harassing agendas or behaviors.use the or any of its assets in branded projects outside of intended use without explicit permission. examples: using as a character model in a game you plan to sell or distribute.claim any of the models or related files as your own.-Tail and tongue requires use of Dynamic Bones unity addon purchased separately on the unity store, NOT INCLUDED-requires VRC SDK, not included
Gumroad (myriadd.gumroad.com)
i've tried looking through different websites for this, but to no avail, so i'm trying my luck here lol
LF: Catnap and Dogday <3bump, if only for dogday lol
LF: Catnap and Dogday <3bump