LEOCHEAPER ON https://flowye.sellfy.store/FACE TRACKING (ARKit standards)PC/QUESTDISSOLVE TOGGLES ANIMATIONREALISTIC FACE SWAPSPS FIXED BOXESBODY + HEAD + EARS PERFECTLY MERGED/MATCHEDIN-GAME FULL FUNCTIONAL GUN + LASER & TORCHFACIAL EXPRESSIONSBLINKING ANIMATIONFAKE INDEX GESTURES❥TOGGLES (110+)EXTREMELY customizable!Hair options: Leon's ; Tied ; Spikey ; Short ; Pointy ; Mullet .Clothes: Shirt ; RPD full suit ; Tanktop ; Jacket ; Tactical vest ; Fishnet top ; Jeans ; Cargos ; Carpenter pants ; Sweatpants ; Boxers .Accessories: Gloves ; Arm chains ; Arm strap ; Necklace ; Eblow pads ; Leather harness ; Necklace 2 ; Police belt ; Ears ; Tactical belt ; Glasses ; Watch ; Earrings ; Face chain ; FULL FUNCTIONAL GUN + laser & torch .Shoes: Boots ; Jordans ; Yeezy .❥ COLOR MODIFICATIONS:Hair and Eyes Hue , Saturation , Emission slidersTattoos ON/OFF .Body/Face dirt ON/OFF .Body/Face scars ON/OFF .Skin tones: Light ; Tan ; Dark RADIAL .Hair Color: 8 Hairs Colors (Blonde, Hazelnut, Gray, Ginger, Brown, Black, White, Black&White gradiant) .Silver/Gold Metal Color Swap .White/Black Accessories color Swap .Clothes Color Swaps:Jacket: 3 different colors.Tops : Black/White, 3 different options.Fishnet patterns: 2 different patterns & 2 different colors.Bottoms: 3 different colors.Shoes: [Boots] White , Black . [Jordans & Yeezy] 4 different color with textures.❥ BODY MODIFICATIONS:FACE TRACKINGFAKE INDEX GESTURESFACE SWAP4 FACIAL EXPRESSIONSBLINKING ANIMATION𐐪 SPS SETUP readyB4LLS & PP adjustable sizes + COOM❥ RULESYou are not allowed to upload this avatar to anyone elses account except your own UPLOAD MUST BE PRIVATE AND NOT PUBLIC, however , if you buy the couple package for you and another person you need to also put the reciever's information.Do not share/trade or leak this paid content or split with someone.DO NOT TAKE ANY ASSET/PARTS OFF MY AVATARS.DO NOT RESCULPT THE HEAD OR THE BODY, i want my avatars to be recognisable as they are.My work is protected by copyright and i will take legal actions if any of these rules will be infringed.If posted on social media , credit me in the description, @flowye.vrc Don't claim the model as your own.No refunds.❥ REQUIREMENTS/UPLOAD:UPLOAD INSTRUCTIONS (PC/WINDOWS VERSION) USE NEWEST UNITY 2022 with vrc creator companion!start a new project on VCC and add poyomi 9, then add VRC FURY, THEN ADD VRCFT - Jerry's Templates , then avatar packageUPLOAD INSTRUCTIONS (QUEST/ANDROID VERSION) USE NEWEST UNITY 2022 with vrc creator companion!start a new project on VCC and switch building target from Windows to Android, then add avatar packageupload the questy first, then copy the blueprint ID and attatch it into the PC versions ID and uploadCREDIT ZONE ❥THEMES ASSETS AND TEXTURES FOUND IN THESE AVIS ARE MADE BY https://dummics.gumroad.com/ !Hairs https://nessy.store/ https://saikura.gumroad.com/ https://minkivr.com/ https://payhip.com/Delor Accessories https://dummics.gumroad.com/ ! https://payhip.com/goola https://holoexe.gumroad.com https://bruceshop.gumroad.com/ https://issuezvrc.gumroad.com/ https://gewehr41.booth.pm/Clothes https://dummics.gumroad.com/ !https://payhip.com/Peachanas https://payhip.com/daddysenpaihttps://sillytilly.gumroad.com https://7517vr.gumroad.com https://ssukiii.gumroad.com https://aikavr.gumroad.com https://askamber.gumroad.com https://saikura.gumroad.com https://devilmk.gumroad.com/ https://pettystore.gumroad.com/ https://saikura.gumroad.com/ Head + Body (assets and textures) (edited NO REUSE) (TATTOOS COMMISSIONED BY https://dummics.gumroad.com/ ! , NO REUSE) EVERYTHING RESCULPTED AND MESH/WEIGHTPAINT EDITED , NO REUSE https://zinpia.sellfy.store/ https://23mink.gumroad.com/ https://payhip.com/Senespera Shoes https://payhip.com/YuriAvatars https://zoeyorly.gumroad.com https://plaz.gumroad.com/Icons https://awmi.gumroad.com/ https://dummics.gumroad.com/ GoGoLoco https://franadavrc.gumroad.com/IF I FORGOT SOMETHING IN THE CREDITS, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DM ME ON DISCORD! flowye
Gumroad (flowye.gumroad.com)