@CrozzyKittsy Man, I was really wanting this model, but now the Google Drive Link is down. Rip

LF: Sundrop and moondrop avis by Lunarie -
Shark Aoi by Ayame [VR Chat]Bump
LF: Atlas by Poodle00@Hades69 If you bought it, do you know by chance if it came with Substance Painter files (I usually like to do my own textures), if it didn't that's okay. Was curious though~
Looking for this boi! (Really wanting this Avi)Does it have a name or is it a avatar you found? (I'm interested as well, and would love to check it out in VR if theres some random public model floating around)
LF: Cryptiacurves Security Guard !bump
Magnolia (FOUND! By @Damnation) ✔Just to help anyone in this thread having issues. All you have to do is remove .gz from the unity file, and it'll make it a unity package that you can import. A little update though all in all, it uses UnityChanToonShader, as its shader.
https://unity-chan.com/download/releaseNote.php?id=UTS2_0&lang=en - This is the shader required.
Testing it with gesture manager and everything, the model seems to work fine. Just for future reference, if anything unity related is ending with .gz, just remove the .gz or rename it to something you want with unitypackage being the extension. Example... Gorba.unitypackage.gz > Gorba.unitypackage
EDIT/UPDATE: The only thing I have not figured out, is the Radial Inventory System, so if there are toggles for it, which I am unsure of. I don't know how to get that working. However, the fix I suggested, works in order to get a working model to be able to import and use.
✔ (FOUND by avicollector) Project Prince by Ruski@ZEROVIRTUE I fixed the issue. I'll break it down in steps.
#1 - Go into the Djinn Folder > Toggles > Toggles (Again)
Within that folder, you will see 2 Parameters. What you want to do is replace the parameters on the Avatar with "Parameters 1" - That's how I managed to fix the hair issue. It was using the wrong Parameters.
My troubleshoot with stuff is usually always checking parameters, and like realigning the parameters just incase.
Okay, so it turns out its actually a very simple issue. For some reason, the hood on the hoodie is automatically toggled on despite there not being a hoodie active. So, if you go into Clothes > Tops > Page 2 > Hood Move, click Hood Move, and it'll show the hair again. You dont need to touch parameters or anything.
LF: Seiðr - the Viking WandcarrierBump