LF:[VFX] Shattered Mirage -
Butterfly KimonoHeyyy I only have Selestias' but something is better than nothing!! SELESTIA ONLY
LF: U Dress [FULLSET or Manuka] by memegeneralbump!!
LF:Pisces hair うお座ヘア【VRChat】bump!!
Descending Eclipse Domain | By Iombex |Bump!!
LF:【8 avatars】【VRC Hair】♥ Dahlia_Hair ♥Bump!!
【複数アバター対応】GothicRose【VRChat】For Manuka DL I really only have manuka sorry : (
【セール中】おちびちゃんズ | Moe Chibi |bump!!
LF Chibi Airi and Moe by Okiyudachi (Airi found by Clery)bump!!
🎀 [セール中]【8アバター対応】 WinterBlush 🤍bump!!!
LF: 複数アバター対応 麗猫メイド Victorian Whiskers Maid 猫セット付 #MURASAKIYAbump!!!
LF:My sweet teddy [Not found]bump!!
LF: [セール中]【9アバター対応】 ButcherScarlet 🐺 https://booth.pm/en/items/6215468bump!!
LF: 36アバター対応 OLD SCHOOL LOLITA 懐古ロリータ (Angel Set付) #MURASAKIYA [FOUNDbump!!
LF Kikyo Columbina@Sirin No worries!! Thanks for trying!
LF: [8 avatars available] Vampire Scarlet and Gothic Nails & Piercingsbump!!
LF Kikyo Columbina@Sirin I was wondering if you would be able to reupload this? It's okay if not!!
LF: 🦉小さな物書き (Little Writer) [12 Avatars] Fullsetbump!!
LF EBliss avatar by Korn@MilkGalaxy I was only able to rip one I believe so sorry if it doesn't work.
Descending Eclipse Domain | By Iombex |I understand if nobody has it but honestly it's so cool!!