LF Shinra(森羅)'s FacialTracking Setting -
LF: Face Tracking DLC GodMagician@TheLostPuppy hey so i used this specific file and it worked i guess, i hope it works for you !
https://workupload.com/file/28pE3dW7Qf9 -
LF: Face Tracking DLC GodMagician@TheLostPuppy of course!! happy it worked :3
LF Yuuna The Brawler by Heartmarksman FOUND BY @cybergothhhttps://heartmarksman.gumroad.com/l/Yuuna_by_Heartmarksman?_gl=17jitzz_gaODEwMzY5Mjg3LjE2OTE1MzQ4Nzg._ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTcyOTgwMTQxNC4zMzMuMS4xNzI5ODAxNTAxLjAuMC4w
If anyone could help me out it'd be greatly appreciated!! :3