@SeraphicRoses maybe this one

【ミルティナ】MAKEUP & EYE & Face Blendshape - ピーチ飴 - BOOTH
♡ ミルティナ Milltina https://dolosart.booth.pm/items/6538026 ※サンプルモデルは商品に含まれません。
@SeraphicRoses maybe this one
♡ ミルティナ Milltina https://dolosart.booth.pm/items/6538026 ※サンプルモデルは商品に含まれません。
Number 6 right here: https://forum.ripper.store/post/657573
#4 Azamisan Bunny link down , please ReUp
for selestia Found by @TwinSpigg here https://forum.ripper.store/post/645107
@TokeiNeko @Puppibitez #4 Azamisan Bunny link down , please ReUp. Thanks in advance
for Manuka
@burgerbutcold is this one https://gagak06.booth.pm/items/5962566
Asset removed from booth store https://forum.ripper.store/post/44426
an early chrismas present from yaokisub
使用Requirement 【Rosette - ロゼット -】VRC用3Dアバター https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/5340480 liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 日常可爱风的Tshirt,是宅女的必备?不过对于巨乳而言,应该选择什么size的衣服就成了大问题呢!既然如此那就全都试一试吧XD。 最大size下用了一些额外的骨骼和动骨来模拟袖子和衣服下摆的晃动,所以也可以把下摆拉起来?这不就成痴女了嘛!!【虽然本来下面就是真空的】 同梱物 included thing unitypackage
使用Requirement 【Rosette - ロゼット -】VRC用3Dアバター https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/5340480 liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 基于最近入手的一款很喜欢的手办做的衣服?!是色情的秘密警察呢。虽然正面的帽子上写着DOM,但是背后的屁股上的装饰却是SUB? 胸口的半透明纱布透露着下面的色情乳贴,果然不是什么正经警察吧!! 同梱物 included thing unitypackage file: 1. Original fbx files 2. Texture for
使用Requirement 【Rosette - ロゼット -】VRC用3Dアバター https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/5340480 liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 我的日语不好,下面是google翻译的条款内容 同梱物 included thing unitypackage file: 1. Original fbx files for the outfit 2. Texture for the Outfit 3. Materials for the Outfit 4. Two profabe
使用Requirement 【Rosette - ロゼット -】VRC用3Dアバター https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/5340480 liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 嗯,,我是乳胶控变态,好了,就这些介绍了!技术不佳,下次还会做的更好!【肥肠抱歉!】 同梱物 included thing unitypackage file: 1. Original fbx files 2. prefabe for different color 3. I already add physics bone for
already shared here:
Looking for MomiSuccubus, thanks for sharing!
2024/10/29 Update ・Fixed an issue where EndpointPosition was not set to PhysBone of hair such as HairBack, HairBangs, HairSide. ・A blend shape named GrowBangs has been added to the hair mesh. It is now possible to optionally grow out the bangs. 10月29日 更新 ・HairBack, HairBangs,
@ion_xox do you have the Momi's version by chance?
Thanks for sharing. Love Kissma
Yes, I'm afraid that's the case.
Sorry, I lost the file.
I realised there are some request for this avatar. Not sure if latest version. Enjoy and Upvote if possible! [register or login to view this hidden content] 「りはびりち...
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