LF: The latest version of Maya Avatar -
LF: K-USP45K-USP45 for VRChat [Akimbo, Handgun, Holster, Weapon Military] - kyrowovrc - BOOTH
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⚠ THIS IS A LICENSED PRODUCT ⚠ Requires a working internet connection to use. ⚠ By buying this you have read and ⚠ agreed to the Terms Of Service ( ⚠ and Privacy Policy ( ⚠ Our server might take up to 5 minutes to register the
LF: Time Bomb for VRChat -
LF: The latest version of Kikyo Avatar -
LF: 【オリジナル3Dモデル】KUGINASABLADE-クギナサブレード-【カタナブレード】@ReiRei ty
即応部隊 RAZE for Karin (found) ✔ -
LF: Clothes for Rusk, Karin, Milk Re, Mint@Matsuda Thank you so much
LF:【VRChat】RS-422 Railgun - Helldrivers 2【VRChat】RS-422 Railgun - Helldrivers 2 - vrc-rin - BOOTH
禁止闲鱼等平台二次贩售 Avatar 3.0 Recommend using Unity2022 *Shader:poiyomi ***Write Default on only*** Installing using MA(modular avatar) *You need to manually adjust the position of Prefab sub objects to ensure that the weapon is in the correct position. Usage: RightHand
Orbital Strike for VRChat [パーティクルFX, Sky Link 適合] [FOUND] ✔️Orbital Strike for VRChat [パーティクルFX, Sky Link 適合] - kyrowovrc - BOOTH
This handcrafted Orbital Strike particle FX is Sky Link Tablet compatible and comes with a standalone preset as well. Orbital Strike requires Sky Link Tablet V1.1 or higher if you want to use it as air support. If not, you can always use the standalone preset that doesn't require the Sky Link
LF: The latest version of Karin Avatarカリン -Karin-【オリジナル3Dモデル】 - あまとうさぎ - BOOTH
………………………………………………………………………………………… ◆サンプルアバターの試着はこちら◆ -アバターミュージアム5- ◆公式衣装SHOP◆ ………………………………………………………………………………………… 本モデルはUnityのHumanoid形式に対応した オリジナルモデル『カリン』です。 主にVRChatでの使用を想定したモデルです。
LF:My sweet teddy [Not found]For Marycia:
LF: Tome Of ElementsTome Of Elements for VRChat [(マジックt, Avatar,パーティクルFX, Avatar) - kyrowovrc - BOOTH
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⚠ THIS IS A LICENSED PRODUCT ⚠ Requires a working internet connection to use. ⚠ By buying this you have read and ⚠ agreed to the Terms Of Service ( ⚠ and Privacy Policy ( ⚠ Our server might take up to 5 minutes to register the
LF: VRChat AFK 3種セットNew version -
LF: AX50【VRChat】AX50 Realistic Operation SDK3.5.2+ - vrc-rin - BOOTH
禁止闲鱼等平台二次贩售 Avatar 3.0 *Shader:poiyomi ***Write Default on only*** ***Must Use Unity2022, SDK3.5.2+*** Installing using MA(modular avatar) *You need to manually adjust the position of Prefab sub objects to ensure that the weapon is in the correct position. Usage:
LF: big japanese robot azathoth -
LF: sleep prone co-sleeping tool -
LF: NVS-31 Night Vision@ReiRei TY Nya~
LF: UMoffPen [FOUND] ✔️VRChatSDK3ワールド用絵描きギミック「UMoffPen」 - はいしょっぷ - BOOTH
VRChatSDK3ワールド用絵描きギミック「UMoffPen」 VRChatのワールドに配置できる絵描きギミックです 液晶タブレット+イラストソフトっぽいものを目指しました
LF: LakeSide Studio [FOUND] ✔️BOOTH - 創作物の総合マーケット
LF: M224K Mortar for VRChatM224K Mortar for VRChat [モルタル, ミリタリー,ミニマップ, アバター・ダイナミクス,VRC,爆発的] - kyrowovrc - BOOTH
Bring your Roleplay to the next level with the M224K Mortar The M224K is a 80mm Mortar, that an be used in either defensive or offensive plays. It has a tablet with a minimap, 3 different Ammunition types and requires you to refill and shoot while aiming for the enemy. You can shoot up to two