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#thiccVRCavatars![alt text](image url)
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#thiccVRCavatars![alt text](image url)
it would be easy if there was a untiy package for honolulu
@CroissantChoc its all good i understand
thanks so much i cant wait to have fun with this avatar
@dhr thanks so much for shareing these modes or avatars i cant wait to have a blast with them hehe
@99zzzs i want that avatar so badily but i dont have much luck ripping avatars but if someone is able to rip the avatar i would be thankful
i want this avatar ripped becuase i want to have a GTS size version of the avatar i saw in the world its a female avatar with HUGE breasts and thighs and hips ![VRChat_2024-09-10_14-34-32.385_1920x1080.png](
i want a ripper that is willing to rip the avatar and i would be thankful for it
@Sleepy yeah i find that inresting to be honest and i havent been able to find thicc avatars lately and if anyone finds any they can put it in my thicc avatar folder for vrc
@Player_Manu oh you must be talking about google drive you click on my profile or the google drive folders for the link
@Player_Manu what do you mean "data"? im puzzled
@Player_Manu are you talking about the discord if so its blackheartgts
@MrSImp9000 no problem send me a dm anytime my response time is instant
@CitrineOfLost thanks for linking the site for the avatar i appreciate it
im open to trade also my dms are open
@Kamitake is there any pics of the avatar?
@CroissantChoc i do not know the name of it sorry
@Insanity-Vr i do not recognize that avatar sadly
@amber4433 im not able to sadly but if there is a chache or something i could try to rip it but idk but i do want that avatar badly to be honest and my dms are open anytime 24/7 im available to help
@MrSImp9000 im not sure myself either but i have my dms open and ill try my best to assist however i can
@MrSImp9000 yeah me to be honest currently waiting at the moment