bump for spiderwebbb!
Novabeast assets and textures -
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarbump
LF:Fluffy Novabeast tail@help_the_femboyx help can you assist me in ripping this avatar :3? https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_b99a2331-5585-461f-aa1c-b73501a362e0
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarBumpooo!!!
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarBump!
LF: Assets for the BGB Pride pup!bump
LF: Grabable novabeast harnessBump!
LF: Grabable novabeast harnessBump<3
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarBump
LF: Grabable novabeast harnessBump<3
LF: Grabable novabeast harnessGrabbable Strappy Harness for Novabest and Nightbeast by Wab.boi
VRChat asset for the Novabeast and Nightbeast
itch.io (wabboi.itch.io)
Any other grabable novabeast assets would be appreciated!
"FOUND" The Fox Moth by Darbi :butterfly:bump
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarBunp
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarbump
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarBump
Looking for BGB Candy Cat base avatarI currently don't have the funds for it but I would really appreciate if someone could get this for me!! https://bubblegumbark.gumroad.com/l/bgbcandycats