LF: Audio halo -
Tattoo Celestial Eclipse HD 天空の蝕タトゥbump
Uruki face tracking addon by hashpls bump
【VRChat Modular Avatar対応】Glock17 G17 Weapon System & Particle Ver.1.00 & 【VRChat Modular Avatar対応】SIG MCX Spear XM7 Weapon System & Particle Ver.1.00@yeelowballs @ReiRei Did you guys manage to successfully install it?
LF Selestia Ears Expansion Piercing <3bump
LF: Triturbo Selestia Facetrackingbump
LF: 【5アバター対応】♡Love Magic Eye Textures♡ラブマジックの瞳テクスチャ♡ (Found Makeup + Tongue)bump eye texture
LF: ♡Makeup & Tongue Textures♡ for Airi by n39bump
LF: ♡Makeup & Tongue Textures♡ for Airi by n39bump
LF > [VRchat] Wash Splashbump
LF: Triturbo Selestia Facetrackingbump
LF> Epli (Shared by SephiBroth)bump
LF: Komado's Chocolat (and more on release)@LocalBozo Do you have 1.01 FT patch?
LF: Komado's Chocolat (and more on release)Does anyone have version 1.01?
LF オリジナル3Dモデル『サリア』bump for 1.03
LF : Campus Casual 【8 Avatars】bump airi
Trading any of the following for Rindo facetracking latest version by Echobump
LF: Rindo Face Tracking Addonbump for latest version
Sio Face TrackingCould someone repost the v1.04 version please
Sio Face Tracking@collei is the link down