@kevinaxe do you mind sharing? pls (´∀`)

LF: Disko Rex V1_5 -
Buxom Cow 🐮 (Found by @thechainedone)@thechainedone hi is another re-upload possible? thank you so much for sharing!
LF: Mayu Grunge HairHere you go! Enjoy! lmk if the link doesn't work! https://workupload.com/file/NSd7SUzkNCT
LF: Aidenfur Vrchat Blade Hair V4@nandorunner420 thank you so much!
LF: the Mayu hair used by kobolddealeri believe it is the hair off of this booth avi!
https://booth.pm/ja/items/4701501 -
LF: New BallerFox Redux~bump!!!
Rexouium Avatar@tacocrazytacoos do you happen to have the spp files for the newest version?
LF: belikah hairstyle - aidenfurHere you guys go! (lmk if it doesnt work) https://workupload.com/file/Uaybv5rmsTB
LF: LuxeFur By LunarArrayLuxeFur for Novabeast
Not a fan of the original Novabeast Chest fluff? Thats ok! Here's a possible replacement to make it flow differently!
Gumroad (lunararray.gumroad.com)
If anyone has it please share!!
LF: belikah hairstyle - aidenfurbump
LF: Aidenfur Vrchat Blade Hair V4Bump
LF: Aidenfur Vrchat Blade Hair V4VRChat Blade hair V4✖️
If this Asset now calls your digital shelf home, do me a solid and drop a rating. Your support boosts my visibility, and stokes the creative fires for more awesome Assets just like this one!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Hey, Beans! Fasten your seat belts, I give you... Blade hair! This isn't just a digital hairstyle, it's a complete attitude makeover! We've intertwined countless pixels to bring you a style that's fresh, fun and incredibly unique.Be the first to set the trend with Blade in your digital world.Avatar is by Ambi ❤️Ambi^^
Gumroad (aidenart.gumroad.com)
LF: ChessCat by Crazy Crittersbump!!
LF: KitDerg by MiloFoxbump
LF: Pumpkit by Riceballer3Dhttps://riceballer3d.gumroad.com/l/Pumpkit
Pls they’re so cute
LF: Aster Dragon Vrchat 3.0 pc + Quest FULLSETDoes anyone have the files on Workupload or Pixeldrain? Mediafire isn’t working for me ;-;
LF any regulus/nardoragon assets@jackalite would you happen to have the mayu harness as well? i think it came with the regulus harness
LF: Octive Vrchat Avatar basebump
LF: ✿ MELT (PC + Q) ✿✿ MELT (PC + Q) ✿
🍄 ✿ ⱮƐꝈͲ ✿🍄Comfy, blunt, trippy and hypnotizing!Unity Version - 2022.3.6f1 SAFE FOR WORK ONLY (SFW) + MESH ON THE BODY IS CUT SO THERE ARE NO "AREAS"Picture above taken by Yinothy! (PC)Hello my dear Shrooms of the world. I bring to you my first furry, based on psychedelic visuals, illusions and... static televisions?(Free uploads in server! Link is on profile!) Picture above taken by Shyccubus (Biggest fossil I know)! (PC)Big thank you to the granny fossil for some of the other pics featured in the main photos!Order to Import:1 - Gesture Manager2 - Av3Emulator3 - Avatars 3.0 Manager-Open Project-4 - Poiyomi Toon 9.0.36 (PC. Skip if Quest version)5 - Avatar Package FBT Tested💀VRCC (VRChat Creator Companion)💀Right Hand Facial Expressions💀PC + QUEST compatible!💀Physbones🍄Hairs:⛧ 16 Different Combinations!(All sectioned out)⛧ Bald Old Man🍄 Clothing:⛧ Sweater⛧ Top⛧ Shorts⛧ Thigh Highs⛧ Slippers🍄 Accessories:⛧ Bucket Hat⛧ Eyepatch⛧ Ear Piercings Left⛧ Ear Piercings Right⛧ Face Piercings⛧ Metal Whiskers⛧ Choker⛧ Belt⛧ TV⛧ Slider: TV Bigger⛧ Arm Cuffs⛧ Slider: Cuff Spikes Longer🍄Morphing + Species ⛧ Eye switch (make the small eye normal)⛧ Psychedelic Twist⛧ Leg Shape Change⛧ 3 Arm Types⛧ Slider: Claws Longer⛧ Slider: Hands Bigger⛧ Slider: Fingers Thinner⛧ Face Floof⛧ Neck Floof⛧ Chest Floof⛧ Arm + Leg Floof⛧ Floof Bigger⛧ Slider: Thinner body shape + Legs⛧ Tri-Tail⛧ Twin-Tail⛧ Single Tail⛧ No Tail⛧ Slider: Giga... Taiil? :O⛧ Full Raccoon texture tails⛧ 4 Different ear shapes!⛧ Slider: Ears... also bigger? :O🍄Fun PC:⛧ Vape⛧ Boop Counter⛧ Black Mist Hand Trail⛧ Black Inky Walking Trail🍄Fun QUEST: ⛧ Mute Board⛧ Shroom Plushie🍄GoGo LocoPhotos taken by realxstrawbriz (QUEST)Note: Discolouration is due to world lighting!🍄 Base: MariVR🍄 Cool Matcaps: Sivka.🍄 Ear, Face, Body tattoos, Tails, Eye Textures, Arm Cuffs, Metal Whiskers, Mute Board, Bucket Hat, TV Backpack, Face Piercings, Eyepatch: Yinothy🍄 Vape: JustJaime🍄 Choker, Bikini Bottoms: Meowmi.co🍄 Ear Piercings, Slippers, Socks, Sweater, Top: Gell3D🍄 Shroom Plush: Befana#9519🍄 Shorts: xohu#0045 , Void#1509🍄 Hairs: olivervrc + saikura + Nymphee#6969🍄 Likes Counter System: Kiwa🍄 Blood Trail + Mist: kisustar🍄 Better gestures: realkiri🍄 GoGo Loco: FranadaIf I missed any credits, lemme know!DO NOT TAKE PARTS OFF THE AVATAR OR ASSET MINE. Please get the assets directly from the creator stores linked!Photo taken by that1lee (QUEST)Note: Discolouration is due to world lighting!-By purchasing this, you agree to the TOS.-Do NOT make this a public avatar EVEN IF you edited it.-Do NOT share this package with anyone at all, not even the closest of people to you. (Please lol, just follow TOS & vibe man).-Do NOT upload to any other account, no matter who they are.-You CAN edit this avatar in unity for personal use only.-Do NOT take things off this avatar or make it almost unrecognisable.-Do not edit the FBX. (Only on request from the ticket function in my server)-MUST put in correct and current information at the checkout. (Your actual discord name, not the nickname) or your license will be void/revoked. -Product is final & non refundable. KEEP THIS IN MIND.-My avatars are ONLY intended to be used for VRChat. Photo Taken by zerojayzz (QUEST)
Gumroad (yinothy.gumroad.com)