@burgerbutcold gogoloco replaces your standing animations, crouching (sitting), prone (sleeping), and AFK motions, so if you want custom ones, you need to edit the gogoloco prefabs and delete a bunch of stuff. this asset helps and makes it less tedious
GIFT : 【1.8.6対応】GoGoLoco ポーズ変更ツール - 立ち/しゃがみ/伏せ/AFKモーション対応Unityエディタ拡張【v1.11】 -
LF MUMMY WEEN Manuka + Shinano𓀾🏺【MUMMY WEEN】𓁈⚱️|【10アバター avatars】ミイラ ハロウィン - Lielii - BOOTH
Was not sure what i wanted to make for halloween but eventually came out with this mummy idea! i hope you find this spooky outfit entertaining <3 happy halloween!! 【?upcoming Compatible models?:】【?今後の対応モデル ?:】 🍃kikyo 🍃sio 🍃Moe 🍃mamehinata 🍃kipfel Note: The mesh is divided to each area of the body so
I would like Manukas+Shinanos outfit if anyone has it.Thank you!
LF: Raruh by Torinyan and Limebreaker (and other assets)bump for the next packs
Messy low ponytail (found) ✔thank you!
lf hair in picthank you!