@Flippy Correct, thats it! It is the only one available for it I belive :3
Haishima Clothing Masterpost {14/23] -
Haishima Clothing Masterpost {14/23]@Flippy Thank you for sharing and updating!
Since this is the largest post for Haishima, I think the FT patch would be nice here, I just bought it recently, other post about it had expired links
LF: Haishima (灰島) Face Tracking Add-OnI got it again:
https://workupload.com/file/L9D4PxwDdbf -
Haishima Clothing Masterpost {14/23]Does anyone have the latest model version?
LF > オリジナル3Dモデル【灰島-haishima-】bump
LF: Haishima (灰島) Face Tracking Add-OnCan someone reupload again :3?
オリジナル3Dモデル【灰島-haishima-】(found) ✔Bump for latest!
「Varg-ヴァルグ-」 VRChat&VRM オリジナル 3Dアバターbump
Fernia (Leafeon Kemono Avatar) (found) ✔Someone still have it :3?
LF: Baburu (Novabeast Texture)bump
LF: Keri by другBump bump !
LF Yumi 有美Bumped bump bumps
「EMPEROR」テックウェア (Fullset) ✔ (found)Bumped bumps
LF:Shinano assetsbump
LF: 🦉小さな物書き (Little Writer) [12 Avatars] Fullsetbumpy bumb
「EMPEROR」テックウェア (Fullset) ✔ (found)bump
「EMPEROR」テックウェア (Fullset) ✔ (found)bump
「EMPEROR」テックウェア (Fullset) ✔ (found)Bump~~ Please give update~
Lf listbump.
LF ၄၃ SHINANO, しなの ၄၃ Shinano Oni make up & body texture ʚɞ しなの メイク テクスチャbump