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Rexouium Gorka Set (Found by furthegur) ✔ -
LF: 3Dモデル 男性用サイバー衣装 複数アバター対応予定 Cyber Costume Minasebump
LF: Flex Fit Skull Mask - ShepShepBump
LF: Rexouium Skeletonbump
LF Robo's FirepackV2Bump
LF Robo's FirepackV2Bump
S.T.E.P - Combat Boots for Rex, Canis and Nardo (Not found)Bump
S.T.E.P - Combat Boots for Rex, Canis and Nardo (Not found)Bump
LF: Hoodies + Jackets/Coats [2/22]9 and 22 pls
LF: Rexouium Hair, outfit and accessoriesbump