@TheFoxBig Can you send the 8.0 please? thank you
Victoria 7.3 -
I NEED conica clothes.bump
Lf: Nsfw Mimi sentryBump!
I NEED conica clothes.bump
Lf: Nsfw Mimi sentrybump
I NEED conica clothes.bump
Cryptia's loonaSo what shader does this use? Poiyomi?
LF: CumminHam Mimi Sentry VRChat Unitypackagebump for vrc package
Vrchive DB Dump@don No longer available
Victoria 7.3Bump
LF: ThermoALTER CF-2312-09 by EVENTHORiZONBump
LF: Batdal Avatar (Nico Bat / Nicoreda's Bat Avatar)Bump
Yui Mass leak@Miku-Momiko Just...click the payhip link
LF: Wired Wolf By Reptilligatorbump
MMD Models Ports -> VRC by Me (Continuously Updating)@Miki42 Nah adding bones wouldn't be to hard to add, had to do it before when I was fixing an old model, but thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure I have VRCFury added in the project
MMD Models Ports -> VRC by Me (Continuously Updating)@Miki42 Ah, so no plans to add them? Well dang, suppose I can fiddle with it and get things working
MMD Models Ports -> VRC by Me (Continuously Updating)Oh dang, gonna need to keep an eye on this been wanting a functional MiMi model
LF: Wired Wolf By Reptilligatorbump
Victoria 7.3Bump for newest