
LF: Sapphira by LividLily -
Full Kyrowo Assets List (19/27 Found)@不明だよ thank you! added to first post and gave credit!
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@mbjaxinne you gotta uncheck enable sps haptics and it will allow it to upload, sps haptics is just a feature for OSC for people that have a haptic feedback item connected to the computer so they feel it in real life, most people dont have that kind of stuff so disabling it really doesnt do much or really any harm and wont break the avatar in any way
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@mbjaxinne theres a fix go to sps and disable sps haptics
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@bigredtruckrobot ok ill try to see what else i can dig up
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@bigredtruckrobot do you have whats on the download page like the info on how to import to unity like what to import as in poyomi and vrcfury and stuff?
i heard that the download page provides links to what is required to import the model correctly -
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@bigredtruckrobot its all good! Big thanks for sharing the main version i would rep ya if i could but im not quite able to just yet
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@bigredtruckrobot this is the files from the diamond supporter version the dancer version is seperate and is given for free if people have previously purchased the model https://jinxxy.com/serapheminine/SelenaDancer
edit: before the model was seperated when the final version came out -
Full Kyrowo Assets List (19/27 Found)@Majojo thank you! ill credit you in the post!
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@bigredtruckrobot you got the dancer version?
LF Selena the Slime by Serapheminine@bigredtruckrobot thank you!
Full Kyrowo Assets List (19/27 Found)added mininuke to first post i will do a big update whenever i get more of the assets just got to dig around more
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump!!!
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump
LF Selena the Slime by Seraphemininebump