The new post with the full pack

GIFT :【Line Art Tattoos】4k Textures 入れ墨 *テクスチャ* /HD (Minase) -
Gift : 【Line Art Tattoos】4k Textures 入れ墨 *テクスチャ* /HD Full Pack 【Line Art Tattoos】Hey like I said one the minase one I will give the full pack soon and there it is!
This asset is compatible with...
Shinra / 森羅
Shinano / しなの
Airi / 愛リ
Milltina / ミルティナ
Selestia / セレスティア
Sio / しお
Manuka / マヌカ
Chiffon,Lime,Chocolat / シフォン - ライム - ショコラ
Rindo / 竜胆
And maybe if you want to rip something from one of your Vrchat avatar you can contact me only 5 e / 5,23 $ / 4,13 £ the rip (I do some reduc if you want a lot of avatar)
LF Scaled tail kagune by Sicknesst@Karisma Take a picture of your avatar with an “I love you Sicknesst” sign and he'll give you a 100% discount on the asset of your choice x)
(He's not a troll, I told him about it) -
Grim The Sky ReaperTake a picture of your avatar with an “I love you Sicknesst” sign and he'll give you a 100% discount on the asset of your choice x)
(He's not a troll, I told him about it) -
GIFT :【Line Art Tattoos】4k Textures 入れ墨 *テクスチャ* /HD (Minase) -
GIFT :【15アバター対応】「L’Mystère Sauvage」オリジナル3D衣装 (メンズ) FULL SETSo i buy this full set, cloth + Sunglass + Glove + Ring
That asset is compatible with
珍飯亭素体V3 -
Can someone Port these to Unity ( Zy0n7 MHA models )@Ivy More job to do than what i expect that pretty long cause i do it on my free time
Kalne : Ciroro_Unryu + Texture@nameless_666 No need to bump, i give the asset
LF : 販売記念SALE【 アンニュイおさげヘア 】for Female / Commemorative SALE 【 Annoying Pigtails】 for Femalebump
LF : 「VRMusician」UltraBass! Real Playable Bass for Avatars 3.0!Hi, I'm looking for this asset, if someone doesn't have it by I wouldn't mind a little help in this world
LF :【セール中】【MA対応】もみ消せるタバコセットbump
Can someone Port these to Unity ( Zy0n7 MHA models )Always forget about VPN, so yeah i got all the files i need, i'll be back soon with a Unity Package
水瀬専用「Crow coat」 (Minase)bumpy bump
dump minaseDead Link
Can someone Port these to Unity ( Zy0n7 MHA models )@Anne_Wiz Don't know why but i can't go on Kemono maybe is blocked on my country
LF : 3Dアバター『レティニア & レティニエッタ』 #MARUBODY Retinia & RetiniettaBump
Can someone Port these to Unity ( Zy0n7 MHA models )I can port them on Unity/Vrchat if you still need it (The link dosen't work on my side)
(On the other hand, I wouldn't buy them if I had to pay for them, so if you want them I'll let you buy them.) -
LF: Dragon Alchemist FullsetBump
水瀬専用「Crow coat」 (Minase)Bump (Sorry for the false hope dude)