why are his edits so expensive ?!

Sarah Gazelle PH (Furry Arabic Gazelle) -
LF: Mamazearbump
LF: City Chc - 桔Kikyo, Selestia, Moe, Manuka (For Selestia maybe Kikyo)bump selestia
LF: [VRChat] Skulldog Fem Avatar Basebump
LF: Emo Set for the Ashbeastbump
LF: Ashbeast clothes and assetsbump
Umbra Vrchat Modelbump
looking for zoe v2 nsfw by bratbun if anyone has herBump
LF: Umbra by Octo-Hedgiebump
Looking for Zoe V2 (VRChat Avatar)bump nsfw
Cropped Monster Hoodie | Mayubump
Looking for Zoe V2 (VRChat Avatar)bump nsfw
LF: Seraphim V-01bump
LF: Umbra by Octo-Hedgiebump
LF: Alastor By Trixelvrchat port will probably never happen from the creator , to much work and you would limit the models potential
LF: Umbra by Octo-Hedgiebump
LF:【PB】【 4アバター対応】 Flasher 【VRChat想定】bump Selestia
LF >【PB】【 4アバター対応】 Shower Robe 【VRChat想定】bump
LF: Assets Used In This Avatar!Pants from the 2. pic
https://monya-vrc.booth.pm/items/4568743 -
What head / body is this?bump