Amanita The Mushroom Cow (3.0 VRChat Avatar) by KannyKan -
LF: Cayennine VR Base PRO! / Honey Bunny Lanacans (FT) or Lanacan Base (revamp coming) / Milyeena Base (FT)bump
LF: Cayennine VR Base PRO! / Honey Bunny Lanacans (FT) or Lanacan Base (revamp coming) / Milyeena Base (FT)bump
LF: Cayennine VR Base PRO! / Honey Bunny Lanacans (FT) or Lanacan Base (revamp coming) / Milyeena Base (FT)bump
LF: Lana Bunnies by Milana's Creationsbump new link is this one though https://milanaroseta.gumroad.com/l/srrgx
LF: Cayennine VR Base PRO! by Milana's Creationsbump
Milanas Creations avatarsbump
LF: Milana bases / avatarsbump for Cayennine Pro
LF Kitsune by Milanabump
LF : Lanacan Base by Milanabump
[LF] Lanacan Base |3 avatars included| by milanarosetabump
LF: Cayennine by MilanaRoseta on gumroad.bump
LF: Cayennine VR Base PRO! / Honey Bunny Lanacans (FT) or Lanacan Base (revamp coming) / Milyeena Base (FT)bump
LF: Honey Lanacan Bunnies by Milana's Creationsbump
LF: Cayennine VR Base PRO! / Honey Bunny Lanacans (FT) or Lanacan Base (revamp coming) / Milyeena Base (FT)Would be greatly appreciated if any one has any of these Milana bases. Been looking for them for a while and can't find them anywhere.
Cayennine VR Base PRO!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWLv2428W0IView base here ^Please leave a rating, it helps the Cayennine get used and seen by more people. This helps me make more stuff for you guys too. Thank you! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This is the Cayennine MKI, my latest Canine baseThe Cayennine is a base that can simulate about most looks you can think of via blendshapes. They are organized and made for you. Be sure to explore them! ONE Cayennine per unity project.From nose types, leg types, to facial shapes, the possibilities are very very broad!!Accessories posted in discord server! some are FREE !GO MAKE WHATEVER YA WANT NOW! (Read rules First ;P)Cayennine Pro:- New Feet made from scratch- Each Toebean moves and is cute owo- Facial tracking V2 PERFECTED.- Facial tracking standard .unitypackage ready to go- So many new butt shapes and skinny keys- Male chest keys- Lash deleter to have non Milana lashes- So much more- Less shapekeys than normal- 100+ facial tracking keysIF YOU USE CAYENNINE STANDARD, THIS UPGRADE IS A $10 CHARGE. FACIAL TRACKING, LESS KEYS, ONE BASE UNIFIED, BETTER SUBSTANCE FILES.Use substance fbx, or use substance project provided (There is a GOOD reason why)CONTENTS !………IMPORTANT………!Collaboration with the wonderful @DEATHSTOP, we have four versions of the base. MIXED: Deathstop lower body on my main base, Kitbash of my own base by me, I use this the most | 62K TriDEATHSTOP: Deathstop altered base below neckline | 63K TriMILANA: Full Organic Milana's base, split cheeks | 59K TriMILANA SKINNY: Skinny body type for those who wanted this, split cheeks | 59K TriIMPROVISED SUBSTANCE FILE: Use substance Fbx, or use the file thats easy to work with! shading etc included.INSTRUCTIONS: InstructionsFACIAL TRACKING: Facial TrackingBLENDSHAPE SYSTEM: Base has anything you need within!FAVORITE BLENDSHAPES: Listed with (100) logo after to signify.MALE SPECIFIC VARIANT: Male Variant of Mixed CayennineKITBASH ELEMENTS BY ME, MADE FOR YOUHEAD; Three heads for you to use on anything you want! (commercial license needed for redistribution)SUPPORTHelp hotline in server #general-help I also offer client services for the base. 10AM-9PM EST-5CLOTHING CHANNELASSORTMENT OF CLOTHES READY TO GO; IN DISCORDUnity RequirementsPoiyomi 8.1+ RequiredUnity 2019.4.31f1 or Unity 2020.x.xxxx (Not sure on version yet)SDK3 requiredSome unity Knowledge Required. Guides provided.Use blendshapes for your desired body typeTerms of useTerms will be adjusted with time. For commissions, client needs to buy commercial license, artist does not; but they need to purchase for further use outside of that commission. I will find out if they try to get away with this.Base edits of your own variation are indeed allowed to redistribute with commercial license. It needs to have significant edits made by you.Commercial license requires you to actually use it, not just buy it and let it sit. $35 minimum for listings.There are no restrictions on the use of R-18G and R-18, but Milana's Creations will not be held responsible for any problems caused by their use. Milana's Creations is not responsible for mechanical or financial issues caused by the use of this asset.Using my base or any of my models are allowed for streaming and social media content creation.This package is meant for you to modify and use the blend-shapes provided, purchase at this discretion and use the model!!!DO NOT redistribute package without Commercial license, and even if you have commercial license, model needs to be edited for sales. Do NOT sell models on commercial license below $42 dollars.DO NOT post as a public without commercial license.DO NOT purchase this if you do not have unity knowledge. By purchasing and using this base, you agree to these terms.DO NOT place stolen assets or use this base for any hateful purposes.DO NOT place other base's heads on my base's body without permission. | My head must be used, edited, etc|DO NOT have this model as a public avatar unless you have commercial license.CREDITS - Icons by http://smoluni.gumroad.com- Zoidberg656 original mesh was remade by me throughout a process of 3 years with exclusive permission, this is it's own base.- DEATHSTOP for the Deathstop edited versions.BLENDSHAPE TYPESNOSE TYPESEYEBROW TYPESSNOUT TYPES (e.g. KOBOLD ZIGZAG MOUTH)SPECIAL BLENDSHAPES MARKED WITH (100)EYE TYPESFACIAL STRUCTURE CHANGES (be wary of being too heavy)HAND TYPES, LEG TYPES, TYPESBODY AND SHAPINGMore things coming soon for Cayennine, stay tuned! Please enjoy creating on this base, I can't wait to see what you make. VERSION GUIDE
Gumroad (milanaroseta.gumroad.com)
Honey Bunny Lanacans (FT)
More information;discord.gg/45Yj4hK5nr 4 avatars includedHoneyBunsLooking for a GLAMOROUS bunny that is out there? Look no further! The Lana bunnies are here!Lana Bunnies Features 2024 Facial Rig for animations Touch contacts Floof blendshapes to hide em, toggleable horns Handmade base from scratch, no plugins other than CATS (for key mixing only) used. 140+ usable Shapekeys (excluding title keys) Snout, Proportions, eye shapes, this has it all! Base mesh; 42,199 Tris without attachments. 3 materials; Body, Eye, Blush. Full avatar with all the clothes is 240K Tri Smart gestures that turn off mouth area when speaking Additional Clothing wilI be avail by request in channel, etc. Organized menus with cute icons Facial tracking by milana and ocian I priced the bunnies below my market price because I want people to enjoy these! The Lanacan is a pivotal point in my 3D career as a 100% original mesh, no remesh, no redesign, no remodeling, this is 100% from a clean slate and reimagined with a familiar feel. The Lanacan is designed to love you, it is optimized, easy to edit, fun to use, and has really good topology. I took inspiration of the Cayennine's rig and basically did my best to recreate the wonderful rig again, using familiar naming and I tried to maintain shape so it makes previous customer's lives better. I also was inspired by animation studios; I studied new ideals of topology while I was creating this and you will see that bends are very nice.CREDITS This is my 100% from scratch base. No credits needed >;D Everything below isn't by me; Collaboration with Yukina for the following items; (Shirt, Fancy Suit) Garter - VHS (no shop link found?) Harness - Poker the second option Hair by Saikura Collaboration with Kit for her shirt and bra; find the assets here. Icons by my friend SortaSketchy Unity Requirements Poiyomi 8.1 is reccomended for optimal usage. Unity 2020+ SDK3 required Some unity Knowledge Required. Guides will be provided. Terms of Service Terms will be adjusted with time. This asset is created, owned, and belongs to Milana's Creations. Do not blame me for lack of knowledge situations, and then ratebomb my post for lack of knowledge situations. This will result in suspension and termination of license. If you do not know something, please ask for help in server we are happy to help and we are at your service. 1 warning per offense. This help service is why my models are charged at a slight premium. DO NOT lie about your username, I will find out and report to Gumroad for misinformation. For commissions, client needs to buy avatar standard or commercial license, artist does not; but they need to purchase for further use outside of that commission. I will find out if they try to get away with this. Base edits of your own variation are indeed allowed to redistribute with commercial license. It needs to have significant edits made by you if you are going to release it as a "base avatar". Regular edits are fine. Ask me for questions I don't bite! <3 Commercial license requires you to use the asset if you wish. $40 minimum for listings. There are no restrictions on the use of R-18G and R-18, but Milana's Creations will not be held responsible for any problems caused by their use. Milana's Creations is not responsible for mechanical or financial issues caused by the use of this asset. Using Lanacan or any of my models are allowed for streaming and social media content creation. This package has material for you to modify and use the blend-shapes provided, purchase at this discretion and use the model!!! DO NOT redistribute package without Commercial license, and even if you have commercial license, model needs to be edited for sales. Do NOT sell models on commercial license below $42 dollars. DO NOT post as a public without commercial license. DO NOT purchase this if you do not have unity knowledge. By purchasing and using this base, you agree to these terms. DO NOT place stolen assets or use this base for any hateful purposes. DO NOT place other base's heads on my base's body without permission. Any previous head by me is allowed. My head must be used, edited, etc.You are more than welcome to use a different body with credits for my head. Pm me if you plan on selling a kitbash, im happy to talk ^^ DO NOT have this model as a public avatar unless you have commercial license. This is not for min0rs. It is made specifically for complicated editing use for those 1...8 and up. DO NOT, absolutely do not redistribute as your own without commercial license, and without crediting along with commercial license. Terms of service are the legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service. The person must agree to abide by the terms of service in order to use the offered service.
Gumroad (milanaroseta.gumroad.com)
Lanacan Base (revamp coming)
More avatars hereHello guys,This is my grand debut of my new base; Lanacan. Report all issues, this is a new package.Sugar Cookie, Gray boi, and SHARKIE are our BONUS models on this base.Yes. 3 models! Seperate projects per model plz! All forms of social media is allowed, more in TOS.Need clothing? Also go to discord for clothing <3 we have tons of options! Lanacan Features 2024 Facial Rig for animations Handmade base from scratch, no plugins other than CATS (for key mixing only) used. 140+ usable Shapekeys (excluding title keys) Snout, body proportions, eye shapes, this has it all! Base mesh; 42,199 Tris without attachments. 3 materials; Body, Eye, Blush. Buldge, Body Squish, Eye Squeeze included on body for unity Smart gestures that turn off mouth area when speaking Gesture sets, Chest and Bottom customizations, other options in blendshapes Clothing wilI be avail by request in channel, etc. Organized menus with cute icons New Facial tracking. The Lanacan is a pivotal point in my 3D career as a 100% original mesh, no remesh, no redesign, no remodeling, this is 100% from a clean slate and reimagined with a familiar feel. The Lanacan is designed to love you, it is optimized, easy to edit, fun to use, and has really good topology. I took inspiration of the Cayennine's rig and basically did my best to recreate the wonderful rig again, using familiar naming and I tried to maintain shape so it makes previous customer's lives better. I also was inspired by animation studios; I studied new ideals of topology while I was creating this and you will see that bends are very nice.CREDITS This is my first 100% from scratch base. No credits needed >;D Collaboration with Kit for her shirt and bra; find the assets here. Icons by my friend SortaSketchy SPS SOON Unity Requirements Poiyomi 8.1 ONLY Unity 2020 SDK3 required Some unity Knowledge Required. Guides will be provided. Terms of Service Terms will be adjusted with time. This asset is created, owned, and belongs to Milana's Creations. Do not blame me for lack of knowledge situations, and then ratebomb my post for lack of knowledge situations. This will result in suspension and termination of license. If you do not know something, please ask for help in server we are happy to help and we are at your service. 1 warning per offense. This help service is why my models are charged at a slight premium. DO NOT lie about your username, I will find out and report to Gumroad for misinformation. For commissions, client needs to buy avatar standard or commercial license, artist does not; but they need to purchase for further use outside of that commission. I will find out if they try to get away with this. Base edits of your own variation are indeed allowed to redistribute with commercial license. It needs to have significant edits made by you if you are going to release it as a "base avatar". Regular edits are fine. Ask me for questions I don't bite! <3 Commercial license requires you to use the asset if you wish. $40 minimum for listings. There are no restrictions on the use of R-18G and R-18, but Milana's Creations will not be held responsible for any problems caused by their use. Milana's Creations is not responsible for mechanical or financial issues caused by the use of this asset. Using Lanacan or any of my models are allowed for streaming and social media content creation. This package has material for you to modify and use the blend-shapes provided, purchase at this discretion and use the model!!! DO NOT redistribute package without Commercial license, and even if you have commercial license, model needs to be edited for sales. Do NOT sell models on commercial license below $42 dollars. DO NOT post as a public without commercial license. DO NOT purchase this if you do not have unity knowledge. By purchasing and using this base, you agree to these terms. DO NOT place stolen assets or use this base for any hateful purposes. DO NOT place other base's heads on my base's body without permission. Any previous head by me is allowed. My head must be used, edited, etc.You are more than welcome to use a different body with credits for my head. Pm me if you plan on selling a kitbash, im happy to talk ^^ DO NOT have this model as a public avatar unless you have commercial license. This is not for children, this is a 3d model for adults. DO NOT, absolutely do not redistribute as your own without commercial license, and without crediting along with commercial license. Terms of service are the legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service. The person must agree to abide by the terms of service in order to use the offered service.
Gumroad (milanaroseta.gumroad.com)
Milyeena VRCHAT Avatar (FT)
INTRODUCING THE MILYEENA BASE!Milyeena is designed to love the user, and be easy to edit, feel comfortable, texture, and fit clothes!This base has be very carefully built and made for you all to enjoy. This is my second from expertly crafted from scratch base.I CAN'T wait to see you all enjoy this one, I absolutely love wearing them in game!!INFORMATIONThis base is a Hyena~hybrid foxie mix that's designed to be ease of work and fun to use. I spent months developing and then 3 weeks testing everything to make it perfect as possible for you.The Milyeena is dynamically designed to be comfortable and accommodating as I could get it to be. I strive to make sure the pinnacle of Milana's Creations is about customer satisfaction. Thank you for the support!Milyeena included features! FACIAL TRACKING BY HAN! Secret complimentary clothing pieces on March 1st Male and Female Bodies Blendshapes galore!! Have fun using them. Multiple accomodating body types, demonstration menu on the avatar Mood based Gesture sets, Emoji modes, and blush settings\ Facial rig for animation purposes! Flat chest/male versions available! Paw Physics and Paw adjustments via blendshapes Eye Shapes, Nail Shapes, and Hand shapes Smart gestures that turn off mouth area when speaking. NSssFssdkanskjW toggles for female Additional Clothing wilI be avail by request in channel, etc. Do not defame anyone or defame the base's creator if you use the base. The R's of downloading and using my avatars Respect other people and users. Rely on help from our team on discord for assistance. Remember to always enjoy your models. These ones I make have souls. They love you. Credits; (links loading) vrcspicy for the banner toxi for her collar Saikura for the hair and Clothes Harness TERMS OF SERVICE By using this model, you are legally bound to following these rules. They are simple common sense rules. Please don't break my rules. This asset is created, owned, and belongs to Milana's Creations. Do not blame me for lack of knowledge situations, and then ratebomb my post for lack of knowledge situations. This will result in suspension and termination of license. If you do not know something, please ask for help in server we are happy to help and we are at your service. 1 warning per offense. This help service is why my models are charged at a slight premium. DO NOT lie about your username, I will find out and report to Gumroad for misinformation. For commissions, client needs to buy avatar standard or commercial license, artist does not; but they need to purchase for further use outside of that commission. I will find out if they try to get away with this. Base edits of your own variation are indeed allowed to redistribute with commercial license. It needs to have significant edits made by you if you are going to release it as a "base avatar". Regular edits are fine. Ask me for questions I don't bite! <3 Commercial license requires you to use the asset if you wish. $40 minimum for listings. There are no restrictions on the use of R-18G and R-18, but Milana's Creations will not be held responsible for any problems caused by their use. Milana's Creations is not responsible for mechanical or financial issues caused by the use of this asset. YOU MUST GET HELP IF YOU DON'T HOW TO DO SOMETHING. DON'T BLAME ME FOR NOT KNOWING THINGS. Using any of my models is allowed for streaming and of social media content creation. ALL LICENSES ARE GOOD FOR STREAMING and AD CONTENT If you want to use the body alone, please purchase the body base to save yourself some $$. DO NOT redistribute package without Commercial license, and even if you have commercial license, model needs to be edited for sales. Do NOT sell models on commercial license below $42 dollars. DO NOT post as a public without commercial license. DO NOT purchase this if you do not have unity knowledge. By purchasing and using this base, you agree to these terms. DO NOT place stolen assets or use this base for any hateful purposes. DO NOT USE MODELS FOR HATEFUL PURPOSES. DO NOT claim that you are Milana's Creations and you made this asset from scratch. I put my whole livelihood into this work. ENJOY THE MODEL, MAKE FUN PHOTOS, DO SOME FUN STREAMS AND DONT FORGET TO LOVE YOUR FRIENDS! I can't wait to see what you beautiful people do!
Gumroad (milanaroseta.gumroad.com)
LF: Mayu Textures (Maple)bump
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LF: Feline+ by HighCD (FOUND)bump
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