bump Shrimpina!
LF: Nama v2 and Shrimpina by Dotty -
LF: Lesi By - LarensVRPLEASE! She's so cute!
Thank you!
✔ FOUND ✔: Lesi by Larensvrbump
LF: "Starlight" Anime Head VRCFT (Face Tracking) Overhaul! - By: MrSauce!If anyone has this VRCFT add-on, it'd be greatly appreciated!!
LF: Yumizumii personal avis.My God, please don't rip those avatars. I'm the creator/editor of those said avatars and I don't appreciate the fact that you all think it's okay to rip people's personals. The avatar is a "personal" for a reason. If you want an avatar to look like Yumi's, then just make it yourselves or commission someone to do it. That's MY hard work you all are trying to steal/rip. I don't appreciate it one bit, and it's also very disrespectful to YumiZumii that you'd ask to rip her personals as well. Do better people.
Trading any of the following for Rindo facetracking latest version by Echo -
Lf Navi the lamb by AshesatticHaving trouble uploading the Face Tracking Ver. and the Non-Face Tracking version. What can I do to solve this?
LF : EchoTheNeko - 「愛莉」 Airi Face Tracking Addon | 顔追跡アドオンbump